Missing it.

Nov 22, 2004 11:49

Title: Wrong again
Author: Susan
Rating: G
Word count: 97.
Pairings or characters involved: D, Leon
Notes: Challenge response, quick one b/c I'm in school and have to GO NOW!!

"Tea, detective?" D asked innocently, apparently ignoring the steaming plastic cup in his hand.

"No thanks," Leon replied smugly. "I got some coffee on the way over."

D tsked under his breath, then sipped on his tea, watching Leon over the top of his cup.

Leon smirked, sipped on his own drink. To his surprise, what had tasted fine once outside now tasted… weird.

Something told him it wasn’t the incense. It was just wrong, sitting opposite D in the pet shop with something that didn’t…

Leon groaned in surrender, and reached out for the sugar bowl.
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