(no subject)

Jan 13, 2008 21:05

Title: Epiphany
Rating: PG
Word Count: 114
Notes: Would have been a challenge response for this week, if it hadn’t been, again, just a tad too long.

Inside the private lab at the end of the hallway, he finds the desk and the surrounding shelves completely bare, their surfaces the color of dusty shale, grey and lifeless under the dimmed lights. The familiar lab coat lay, folded neatly, over the back of a chair.

A violent and frantic search reveals nothing left next to, behind, beneath the desk, nor anything in any of its drawers. No photographs, no crumpled letters from home, no indication at all that anyone had been there recently - been there yesterday.

But pounding the desk with a fist in sheer frustration somehow manages to dislodge a scrap of paper.

Come and find me, Vesca. If you can.

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