(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 20:47

Title: Flight
Rating: PG
Characters: Count D, Sofu D, Leon
Word Count: 237 (It was supposed to be a challenge response… ><)
Notes: Mild spoilers for the end of book ten.

It is the middle of a forest clearing, where many of them have gathered. The child, skipping ahead, reaches out a hand to one.

And the bird - the spirit - the girl with a feathered headdress shies away, unfurled her wings, and flew.

And the wind whips full in his face as he turns to the railing, a full turn away.

"You've done no wrong." Says grandfather calmly, to the slightly horrified child. "Look, they are about to leave, anyway."

"There isn't a single gathering on this earth, after all, that does not come to an end someday."

His lips are moving as he struggles to explain - to his companion? to himself? - but inside he remembers, and echoes dully, dutifully end someday.

The others in the clearing stir - laughing, alive - as the last syllable dies away.

The child follows them with his gaze, watches wings of all shapes and hues take off as one and beat with the current of time and disappear into the trees.

- into the sea of cloud, lit by moonbeams that knew no boundaries, and thus could not turn back -

The child returns his gaze to earth, wisely resigned, but a little sad as well.

And grandfather smiles at his understanding.

And he smiles, and reaches out and pushes--

And the tear lands on the back of one cold hand as Leon Orcot fell back, and flew.

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