Close your eyes

Nov 24, 2005 08:06

Title: Close your eyes
Author: Susan
Rating: G
Word Count: 134
Characters: Leon, D. Sort of.
Notes: This was written around midnight. In the dark because my sister yelled at me for putting the lights on. After too much pondering on the last page of Calliope (Sandman, third book. Must buy the rest, remind me.). That is my excuse. I stand by it.

Leon closes his eyes.

He dreams of eyes, mismatched and yet not, glittering behind dark hair. Eyes are supposed to be the windows to the soul, but these are more like mirrors. Look into D’s eyes and all you’ll see are things about yourself you’d have preferred to keep hidden.

Leon closes his eyes.

He dreams of hands. Long, slender, strong as steel, capped with nails to slit throats with. Hands darting across a silver tray. Blood - his blood - dripping off nails, onto bright red lips. Hands drawing karma in broken lines with an expensive pen.

Leon closes his eyes.

He dreams of dresses that aren’t dresses, gilded in dragons and flowers, the colours bleeding and blurring together in his mind.

Leon closes his eyes.

And he dreams of nothing at all.
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