Normality is as normality does

Aug 17, 2005 10:20

Title: Normality is as Normality Does.
Author: Susan (I have returned! Run!)
Word Count: 111
Rating: G. Chris is here. Of COURSE it's G.
Characters: Chris, D, Leon
Notes: I'm sure there was supposed to be a punch line for this. Really there was.

They stare at each other, a stand off.

D’s trembling with rage, finger nails digging into his palms hard enough to draw blood, head up and posture stiff. He looks like a wild eyed statue, so angry he can’t even move.

Leon stands up slowly, unfolding from the chair he was slouched in. His eye tics, and his huge hands are clenched into a fist around his lighter. The cigarette he’d been about to light snapped in half, and he tosses it down on the table, like a signal for the fight to start.

Chris sits on the sofa, sipping his tea, ignoring them both completely.

This is normal, after all.
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