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Reply to this and I will:
1)Tell you why I friended you.
2)Associate you with a song/movie.
3)Tell a random fact about you.
4)Tell my first memory of you.
5)Associate you with an animal/fruit.
6)Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7)In return, you MUST spread this disease in your LJ.
Comments 17
2) Not technically a movie, but almost a TV movie: Voyager: "Year of Hell".
3) We share a first name and at least a middle initial.
4) See #1.
5) A magpie, 'cause it's in your username. :-)
6) Which tv/movie franchise that you haven't written for before would you most like to work with?
Um... Depends on the definition of "written for" - I'm tempted to say Star Wars, but I did write for the SW Fact Files... To be sure of picking one that I've not written for *at all* I think I'll have to say James Bond 007. Um, except that's a literary franchise first.
2) Twelve Angry Men. Not because you're a man, or you're angry, or even because there are twelve of you, but because of the subject of the movie. :-)
3) I rented your apartment one summer.
4) It's been quite some time now, but I think you were working behind the window in the data center in Morgan Hall while I was working at the Computer Hotline.
5) A finch, possibly of the atticus variety.
6) The views of which of the current US Supreme Court justices do you feel most closely resemble your own?
I knew my initial response was "SCALIA BLOWS!!!!," so it was quite obviously NOT HIM. While I may have said Sandra Day O'Conner back in the day, she's not really an option, and she let me down in a major way by stepping down when she did (and thereby disqualified herself as the appropriate response to this question). A swing vote at that point in time was so necessary. Now Kennedy as a so-called moderate conservative is the most likely swing vote in the upcoming close cases. The "liberal" group of justices are Stevens, Souter, Ginsberg and Breyer.
It's a case-by-case basis for me. I'm a big fan of habeas, the Bill of Rights, and that little parchment barrier known as the Constitution. Of course, my interest is greatest in the Criminal matters, but that's because this law crAP takes up a lot of space in my brain that could be used by trivia.
Anyway, I'm going to have to say Stevens at the moment.
2) Hmm... I can't think of anything for this one.
3) During your final semester in Psi Phi, you missed only one meeting.
4) Either at the Activities Fair or at the New Member meeting in Fall 1999.
5) For some reason, a gerbil comes to mind.
6) Why would a gerbil come to mind?
2) 24: "Day 6: 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M." (TV movie).
3) You are constantly being called the wrong name.
4) I don't have a distinct first memory of you. It seems like you've been on the Trek boards for years.
5) Dogs. Lots of dogs.
6) What is the etymology of your username, "PsiQueue"?
2) Alien.
3) You have apparently ridden in the trunk of a car to certain Psi Phi events (though I haven't witnessed this firsthand).
4) Probably at the Activities Fair one year.
5) Cthulhu.
6) Are you really a closet stoner? :-)
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