Title: The Trouble with Time Travel...
Genre: Mystery, Adventure and Romance (I can't help myself)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all rightfully belongs to Patrick O'Brian's estate. I'm only doing this for fun and to improve my English. Oh wait, I do own the Crusader and its crew! And my Mary-Sue, of course.
Summary:...is that it never
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Comments 2
Given I already read the fic, I'll just comment on what's new for me. First, great title (it shows humor, yet we sense the adventure, like, it's not just fonna be romance-me-'til-I-die stuff) and even greater summary. You have a way to pull the reader in. `"Now, what's that all about...? ;)
Thanks, I like my title...could have chosen something more cheesy, like, "Uncharted Horizons", but, er, I'll try not to attract the sporkers more than I should, eh?
"Winds of Desire" sounded nice, though. XD
I'm not too fond of pure romance stories. Unless it is very very well written, or has interesting plot twists, I find them boring in the long run. That's why a healthy mix of other genres as well is better.
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