1. Action: Bedroom of 1645Albright Lane, dawn.
[Early morning. Shawn doesn’t normally wake up at dawn, but something about the angle of the light as the sun comes up is just wrong enough to make him blink awake. Huh. He doesn’t feel nearly hungover enough to not remember how he got into some strange woman’s bedroom…in fact, that whole black out
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Comments 130
And then she caught a young man staring in such a confused manner that she was reminded of her dear Arthur and his first meeting with a toilet plunger]
If you keep your mouth open like that, you had best be prepared to catch flies with it.
First, the flies here aren’t made of sweet, sugary goodness, are they? Tangy, fruity deliciousness is also acceptable. That would be one point in bizzaro landia’s favor.
Do any flies you know of find it appropriate to be tangy or full of- what was it? - fruity deliciousness?
[ a tiny frown ]
I do quite believe that is not a word, young man.
Nope, but no flies I know of live in the 1900s. Well, I say know, but, really, how well can anyone be expected to know something with that short an attention span? No consideration, that's what's wrong with the flies of today.
[He pauses for a moment.]
Tomorrow. Whenever the early 2000s fit into this etch-a-sketch of a picture.
Okay. What now.
Do you know the muffin man?
I do know that I have an oatmeal raisin in here that's overcooked enough to give you a concussion.
Hey, hey. Don't worry. I don't know him either. I've heard through the grape vine he's kind of a jerk-wad, though. With terrible taste in shoes. Nothing like the very sweet, kind, forgiving, lovely muffin lady.
Are you...on the Atkins diet, by any chance...?
He's just sort of sauntering down the streets. Probably on a mission of some kind. Or he's just bored. Something like that.]
My. You look lost.
And you look nearly unnecessarily dashing. Was Fabio otherwise occupied for the introduction to this section of Strangeville?
I would hardly call it unnecessary. I just always look this good.
[The expression fades, though, into confusion.]
... Was who occupied?
[Shawn shrugs slightly, holding no grudges for individual preference.]
Come here often?
She approaches from behind to his right.]
Hello~ there! You look a little lost. Just arrived in Mayfield?
[He's well aware how utterly bamboozled he looks, after all. Shawn looks relieved to have a nice red head sashaying on over to him. This worked instead of a candy store.]
You called it. Day one on the dark side of the moon. I have the sinking suspicion isn't not going to match up the Wizard of Oz and all, too.
It's all a little overwhelming at first~ I've only been here nearly two weeks myself! Have you been given the rundown yet~?
[He had to pause, shaking his head. He actually leans forward, bracing his hands on his knees for a moment as he take a deep breath.]
This city was not designed to accommodate pathological commitment issues.
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