SPN Fic: Popcorn

Apr 14, 2012 18:28

Title:  Popcorn
Characters:  Castiel, Dean
Genre:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Word count:  1154
Spoilers:  Set mid-S4, so general references to that season's overarching plot (no spoilers for any specific episodes).  
Summary:  Written for the current hoodie_time h/c comment-fic meme, for this prompt by juppschmitz:  "Dean is hurt somehow. How is ompletely up to the author. Can be as ( Read more... )

commentfic, dean, supernatural, gen, anon post, cas pov, h/c, popcorn, fanfic, the great escape, castiel, s4

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Comments 14

verucasalt123 April 15 2012, 02:56:09 UTC
“I doubt I'll ever require medical attention from your brother.”

This is so exactly dead-in S4 Castiel. Fantastic.


prufrock_26 April 15 2012, 14:07:42 UTC
Thanks very much!


mimi_sardinia April 15 2012, 12:23:31 UTC
Is Dean watching The Great Escape?


prufrock_26 April 15 2012, 14:07:31 UTC
That he is, gentle reader. Why he thought such a depressing movie would be good to distract him from the pain in his shoulder, I don't know. Probably Dean focuses a lot more on the tunnel-digging and the motorcycle-riding than on the little blind forger or the people getting, you know, gunned down.

Thanks for reading!


somer April 15 2012, 15:06:46 UTC
This was great. Loved it :D


prufrock_26 April 19 2012, 02:00:24 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.


tabaqui April 15 2012, 15:08:17 UTC
Heeeee! Such a *dramatic* opening! I love it. Half-toasted Dean in bed with popcorn and booze, ranting at Castiel.

Too fun! :)


prufrock_26 April 19 2012, 02:00:04 UTC
Thanks! Snarky Dean is fun to write. :)


juppschmitz April 16 2012, 09:09:41 UTC
Ha! So now I know who you are I'll re-post my original comment from the hoodie_time meme ( ... )


prufrock_26 April 16 2012, 14:03:20 UTC
Aww, thanks! Just so you know -- you're awesome.


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