SPN Fic: Winds Out of the Southwest

Apr 14, 2012 18:57

Title:  Winds Out of the Southwest
Characters:  Dean, Sam
Genre:  Gen
Rating:  PG-13 for disturbing imagery.
Word count:  2114
Spoilers:  Set early S4, so general spoilers up and including 4.01; nothing specific.
Summary:  Written for the current h/c meme at hoodie_time, for this prompt by nwspaprtaxis
Disclaimer:  I do not actually have anything against North Carolina.  
Notes: ( Read more... )

commentfic, dean, supernatural, motel, the human mind is a fragile thing, anon post, sam pov, h/c, alastair, fanfic, what is this comfort you speak of?, sam, ptsd, s4, dean pov

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Comments 5

mad_server April 17 2012, 17:04:51 UTC
AHA! I knew this one was you too!

Cara mia.


prufrock_26 April 17 2012, 17:10:25 UTC
Yup....for about three days I felt like the Lone Ranger of Dean h/c. ;)

(Then I got tired of always galloping away mysteriously afterwards, and decided to stay and have a drink instead.)

(That metaphor got way more complicated than it was worth, I think....)


mad_server April 17 2012, 17:20:21 UTC
*pours you a shot*



maypoles April 26 2012, 14:36:26 UTC
Oh, this was you? SO MUCH LOVE. <33333333333333


prufrock_26 April 27 2012, 13:41:40 UTC



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