Manip - Prince Merlin of Essetir

Dec 11, 2022 22:34

Title: Prince Merlin of Essetir
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (canon era) AU
AU: Prince Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Characters: Merlin
Rating: G
Tagline: Prince Merlin, heir to King Balinor of Essetir.
About the manip: The prince of Essetir is to leave his home in order to meet his future husband, King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot.
Notes: Manip planned and partially started (Colin's faces picked) in April 2019, but then abandoned.
Turning Photoshop on to do either Kirk or Spock for Christmas, off course I go and manip something I have no rush for!
The day before Kairennart on Tumblr had posted their Merlin in blue and their art inspired me to finish this manip. So, while not specifically related, anyone is welcome to picture this Merlin as the Merlin Kairennart painted.
For this reason, the manip is dedicated to Kairennart, whose King Merlin gave me the itch to finish this manip, and to Magicinavalon on Tumblr who asked them the Merlin in dark blue.
Also, Queerofthedagger on Tumblr, as the author of "It Was One Kingdom, Once", the fic that inspired Kairennart's art. I don't know if this Merlin might fit into your fic but I hope you'll appreciate the same.
Notes 2: Posted for the Merlin 10th Anniversary of the Finale Christmas Eve 2012 by Ladyofthelake on Tumblr.
Notes 3: Literally finished the last touches yesterday. Posting before I can change my mind and find something else to do.
I wanted to remove that horse, that looks like floating, but I couldn't replace it with someone else-- you'll see in the follow up that is coming for what I mean.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Manip started in 2019, when I completed the boring task of searching and picking the face.
Initially I decided for a bearded Colin, completely finished the necessary retouches... and then, when I was about to delete the other placed temporary faces, I decided that the Merlin one was the best one... so I went and manipped that as well, thus this version.
Unable to pick which version I wanted to trash, I decided to keep both. I did add something to make the second different, you'll see.
Please appreciate the changing of the symbol/decoration on the pommel and the keeping of the grey for the "studs" like decorations of the jacket.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1800 x 1198)

Original picture from Games of Thrones. Colin Morgan from Arthur's Bane promo pic. Both from Far Far Away.
Druid symbol unknown.

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, char merlin: merlin, + manips, au: prince merlin, relat merlin: arthur/merlin

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