Manip - Star Trek/Star Wars (Original Trilogy) ship's insignia

Sep 04, 2022 21:39

Title: Fandoms in Trek AUs: Star Wars (Original Trilogy) - ISS Empire's seal and enamel coin
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Wars (Original Trilogy) AU / Star Trek (new trek)
Timeline: Mirror (1.0.5)
Rating: G
Tagline: The seal and enamel coin for the ISS Empire-A.
Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs (masterpost)
About the starship: For obvious reasons, there's no ship named Empire in Trek canon. Surprisingly, there's none with this name even in the Terran Empire.
With no specific, four-digits date or number that could be lifted from Star Wars, I decided to honor the year A New Hope was released and the Empire first seen.
About the motto: That's so, so lame. But there isn't a decent quote that in the Original Trilogy that refers to the Empire itself. I considered "Death Star", which sucked IMHO, so resorted to "Star Destroyer", which are the Empire massive ships.
(Be grateful, because I was about to use "The Empire Strikes Back" as motto).
Behind the seal: The logo is white and black (on red flags). I initially tried with the black/white with the red in the name's circle but I was convinced more by this version. It's not that we saw the logo in the original trilogy anyway (as far as I can remember).
Notes: Full crew manifest on the works. It'll feature main and more important characters from the whole trilogy, both rebels and imperials.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Both done in a night and in a one sit. Which isn't quite bad, given my standards.
It took a bit to choose the style for the metal version and, especially, for the colors, but in the end I like the final results.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart (seal, enamel coin), Tumblr (seal, enamel coin).

Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)

SF:\Classified\Other Timelines\Terra Firma\ISS Empire>NCC_1977_A>_
“Star Destroyer”

Ship’s Name: I.S.S. Empire
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1977-A
Ship’s Class: Imperial Class
Ship’s Type: Dreadnought
Status: _loading...
Crew complement: _loading...
Crew manifest: _loading error...

Enamel coinThe enameled coin bearing the ship's seal, that is given to any crew member who serves on that ship in any capacity or rank in the centuries-long tradition of service coins.

Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)

1.0.5 (mirror!discovery), ++ fandom: star wars, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, series: fandoms in trek au

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