Manip - The Coming of Morgana

Dec 29, 2021 03:05

Title: The Coming of Morgana
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (canon era) AU
AU: The Pendragon Siblings
Pairing: Arthur/Morgana (no incest)
Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Morgana.
Rating: G
Tagline: Long live Morgana Pendragon, Queen of Camelot.
About the manip: Despite Agravaine's meddling, Arthur manages to secure his throne with his secret blood sister at his side.
About the AU: This is a double canon-divergence AU, one point of divergence is that Merlin never comes to Camelot near the Purge Anniversary, and Kilgharrah enlists Gwen to protect the Young Prince from his magical foes. Nonetheless to say that Morgana, as Gwen's mistress and friend, quickly gets involved as well.
The second point of divergence is that Uther does die in To Kill the King (although Morgana has nothing to do with it).
Arthur is therefore propelled on the throne way earlier and has to deal with all kind of shit before even his coming of age happens, including Morgana's magical awakening, a court eager to marry him off, and an uncle that eventually decides that Camelot cannot be left in the hands of a king who's opening up toward magic.
Arthur has only Morgana as ally in this fight against his own court to keep the throne and they eventually decide to turn their alliance into marriage - although with the plan to eventually null it and for Arthur to marry Gwen. Any hope about Gwen ascending to the throne is crushed by Agravaine's evil plots (because he really, really doesn't want a maid on the throne), and Arthur and Morgana are even lonelier than before - Arthur crushed by the knowledge that Gwen will never be his wife and Morgana fighting her personal war against Agravaine behind Arthur's back.
They then discover they are siblings, and that would be quite a reason to break the engagement off, but then Agravaine gets too bold and too ambitious and his plots to become the next king endanger the whole Camelot. When another dawn is rising, the dust of a war is settling and Camelot is safe, Arthur and Morgana decide it is time to secure the throne once and for all. And Arthur can only thrust Morgana as his shadow and partner.
Merlin and Morgause eventually will enter the picture and the two coins will be finally complete, but that's another story, and belongs to part 2 of the monster-fic-that-never-will.
Notes: Something I threw together for the ArMor Month at Tumblr. And, by "throw together", I don't mean it took me little time. Especially because, when it was finished, I remade half of it because I decided to change Morgana/Katie's pic (more about this tragicomedy below).
Notes 2: In this AU Arthur and Morgana know about their siblings secret status and agree into a not-consumed wedding, although for all intents and purposes, to the eye of the court, people and neighbors they are a true couple. Only Gwen knows about their secret.
Notes 3: But hey, don't let this put you off: if you like ArMor as (intentional or not) incest be my guest. ;)
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Let's just start by saying the final product has been scaled down before the posting: the original is 5470 width.
Anyway. I had to, in order, replace the throne near Arthur's with another one since the throne didn't fit Katie's sitting position, which meant remake some of the wall decorations and retouches here and there on the background. After that, given that the throne replacement was already occupied by Gwen/Angel, I also had to remove Gwen from that throne in order to make space for Morgana. And yes, I did replace Uther's crown Bradley was wearing in the pic with his true crown. Phewwwww.
When the manip was already finished, I just went and decided I should've just used the other Morgana/Katie's pic from the same shooting, and then went to cut her out from her own background. Then I needed to scale up the throne a bit (which meant re-do again the whole work on the room wall behind the throne) and when everything was ready to place the newest Morgana... I don't know how it happened, but Morgana2's layer was vanished. So, in the end, I brought back the original Katie, but with some changes to fit better her sitting position (she wasn't sitting at the center of the throne). And, while at it, I went all "why Bradley's not wearing Ygraine's ring?! SHAME". And added that. And ended up adding Uther's necklace as well while at it.
I really needed to post it quickly before I found something else to add, modify or change.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1900 x 981)


++ fandom: bbc's merlin, + manips, au: the pendragon siblings, char merlin: morgana, relat merlin: arthur/morgana, char merlin: arthur pendragon

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