Meme - James Kirk's mosaic

Dec 08, 2010 03:21

Because verizonhorizon is the master of evilness!
She posted mirror!Spock's own version of the mosaic meme I posted a couple of minuted ago, and the result is too much hilarous to not try it myself with my Star Trek personality, aka James T. Kirk.

Though I started with Reboot ( Spock Prime as the Celebrity Crush), I then decided to go with the original Kirk because we know more of him.

I'd be tempted to do one for mirror!Kirk as well but the only image I know he would include is an Emperor for question n°9. Yeah, Jim, we'd all love to see you as an Emperor, with the tunic that leaves a shoulder and half chest naked and a Caesar pose. ... ok, now I'm drolling!

Anyway, it has always been funny to reply memes as your fave characters. I do remember one passed by mail some years ago, the one with "the first time we met what you thought about me?", "I'm a smoker?" and so on, where you had to reply speaking of the other, and me and memorytrees were Rafe/Danny (from Pearl Harbor). LOTR's Aragorn/Boromir and Moulin Rouge!'s Christian/Satine...
... I should really translate it and play with aleniakalain for our four Kirks, yeah! *runs to*


1. Answer each of the questions below using Flickr Search.
2. Choose a photo from the first three pages.
3. Copy the URL of your favorite photo into this site: (e.g., keep default square tiles and choose 4x3 or 3x4 for the columns/rows; to get the pics, use right click 'copy image location'.) I cheated and composed the mosaic myself with the help of beloved Paint Shop Pro. XD
4. Share with the world.
5. And leave comments.

01. First name
02. Favorite food
03. Hometown
04. Favorite color
05. Celebrity crush
06. Favorite drink
07. Dream vacation
08. Favorite dessert
09. What I want to be when I grow up
10. What I love most in the world
11. One word that describes me
12. My LiveJournal name

And, just because I feel the need to do so, the text replies.

01. Speaks for himself. It makes me wonder if Reboot (who is more "childish") would like to have the same name of B.
02. Italian, obviously! ST IV teaches.
03. Iowa. And, by the way, the photo is gorgeous.
04. Obviously green because of his home's grass and Spock.
05. Commander Spock is a celebrity!
06. It was a head to head with Saurian brandy but my inner fanfiction lover likes the idea of coffee-addicted Kirk. XD
07. Camping! As shown in ST V.
08. Just because to me is the most famous USA pie, and I can see Winona baking apple pie for her kids.
09. Kirk is a dreamy boy who likes old novels so I'm sure he would have loved to be a sailor or even a good pirate, saving girl and fighting bad pirates.
10. His Lady. <3 No, really, I know Kirk isn't in love with the ship as we make him but... indulge me, ok? Anyway, Reboot is more attached to his ship.
11. Captain. It describes Jim even at Sisko times. ^^
12. ... I shouldn't have thought about Spock having this tattoo now! >< Not my fault the tattoo has a green halo where usually there's the red of irritated skin!

1.0 (tos), ++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, + graphics

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