Graphic - New Camelot Twitter profile

Jul 10, 2020 21:54

Title: Tumblann twitter: New Camelot profile
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon, modern magic) AU
AU: The battle of Tumblann
Characters: Arthur Pendragon
Rating: G
Tagline: New Camelot Twitter (year 2018, summer season)
Series: Tumblann twitter
About the graphic: This is an institutional twitter account for the citadel of New Camelot, the state within the UK over which Arthur’s rule is absolute. The account is strictly used to share news and announcements relating to the citadel.
About the AU: Under the graphic.
Notes: In honor to his previous life, Arthur revives all "Old Camelot" customs, including the many tournaments. Amateurs and professionals of the noble art of jousting come from all over the world to sign up and the Tournament of New Camelot becomes a prominent international jousting tournament. In New Camelot is then funded a school that soon gets renowned in all world: the school not only prepares experienced riders to joust, but also offers riding courses for actors and provides stunts to historical productions (the Camelot version of The Knights of Middle England).
Notes 2 The date for the tournament is an homage to that day (10th July) me and my Merlin aleniakalain dragged Maryluis to Gradara (Italy), a late-medieval citadel where we spent a day, fawned over an armour shop (hopping between an Excalibur replica and an helmet that looked like the one Arthur uses in the earlier tournaments) and then went to the falconer show (I miss the stupid eagle and the stupid hawk that gave me a scare by flying two centimeters over my head T_T).
Usually fairs start in the middle of week and finish at Sunday. The 10th was a Tuesday, hence the dates.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Twitter graphic made all by-hand, with much moving/copy/pasting. I worked from a screencap of Twitter made in 2017, so this doesn't reflect later changes over Twitter. I liked better the square icons over the rounded (they are also easier to make) so I decided to keep the old graphic.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Credits below the graphic itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1345 x 1490)

Pierrefonds Chateu photo from
Camelot crest by Sirwatson on Redbubble.
"Tournament of Camelot" crest, stock design by Ajipebriana.
"Camelot Jousting School". Modified colors on the Knights of Middle England logo. I didn't like to do this, but I couldn't find a free stock logo that looked as good as theirs.

About the AU
It's the 21th century like we know it, but magic is widely spread and has long since become part of everyday life. The legend of the Once and Future King is real and the people of England are eagerly awaiting for his return. Officially Merlin (with the appearance of Dragoon the Great) is known to hide somewhere and it's said that he will reveal himself when his king will be back; for now Merlin lives his life as the young Professor Gaius de Bois, teaching Medieval History at the University of Avalon and being a renowned historian for his expertise in the Matter of Britain.
When Arthur finally emerges from the Lake of Avalon, he can live his new modern life without changing name nor hiding his true identity, while Merlin returns and keeps his two identities: the official old warlock and the young Professor, claiming that the young Gaius is his nephew.
For the mental wellbeing of his king, who finds Merlin's huge cottage too small and foreign, Merlin removes the castle of Camelot from its protective glass bowl in which he miniaturized it and places it in the vast lands around the lake of Avalon he managed to keep since the Middle Ages. But living alone in a castle is even worse than residing in a magical cottage: a castle, and a king, needs people.
So, it comes a time when Arthur has to stop playing the former king and do something with his new life. And what can a former king who is know as the Once and Future King do? Return to be kingly, obviously.

About New Camelot
A special law approved by the UK parliament gives Arthur permission to settle New Camelot, an "half" sovereign city-state within the United Kingdom, with its own laws and government (an absolute monarchy) and its own currency. It's not fully independent, as it hasn't the right of a foreign policy, on which the UK has full control. New Camelot has a higher degree of independence than the other constituent countries like Scotland or Northern Ireland*, but isn't a complete independent state either. Internationally, it isn't recognized and doesn't have ambassadors or membership in international congresses.
New Camelot initially includes only the City of Avalon, a small town that grew in the centuries in the lands near Merlin's property (the vast lands circling the lake of Avalon), where has been founded a prestigious university focused on all the matters pertaining medieval history - including history of magic. Later, with new acquisitions of lands and other small town in the surroundings, the citadel expands itself and, consequently, its economy grows. A couple of years after its foundation, a strong economy made of export is flourishing. Products from Camelot, mostly food delicacies, have become much sought-after. Slowly Arthur also opens to modern products, which leads eventually to a car park at the residents' disposal and a system of public transportation for those who wish to keep a work outside but reside under Arthur’s rule.
Arthur re-establishes the Council, to help him rule a citadel that soon has grown outside its walls into a florid, almost self-sustained small state with a rich export of its man-made products.
People who wish to live a simpler life apply for (usually temporary) residence and find peace in a place that allows a minimum technology (like electrical appliance) but requires a disconnection from the online world. Broadband connection and wi-fi is available, but can be used only in specific parts of the castle like the library, to encourage a responsible use of social media. There are rooms within the castle designated to office sharing (for those who brought their works with them and are either home working or smart working). The wi-fi in the houses is strictly "passive", and it's used to send the residents warnings and messages through a specific app, and this is where Twitter comes handy.
[*As far as I can tell from what I understand about UK]

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, au: the battle of tumblann, + graphics, series: tumblann tweets, char merlin: arthur pendragon

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