Graphic + Manip - ArthurianaDaily, Maryluis

May 28, 2020 10:00

Title: Tumblann twitter: ArthurianaDaily, Maryluis
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon, modern magic) AU
AU: The battle of Tumblann
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Characters: Arthur Pendragon
Rating: G
Tagline: After overdosing on "canon" works on him (most of the material giving him the creeps), Arthur has moved his attention to the BBC Merlin's fandom. That one is giving him much satisfaction.
Series: Tumblann twitter
About the AU: Under the graphics.
Notes: Happy birthday Maryluis! Keep entertaining us with your arts.
'Till we can finally see each other again (my house is still hoping that it will be able to see you and aleniakalain, stupid 2020, fucking up all people lives), this is a small thing for you.
Not sure if you deserve it, though. You're sooo behind with reading the docs! è_é
Notes 2: Split into three parts for easier reading.
Remember, especially if you never had a Twitter account, that the reading order is from bottom to top, unless there's a convo (the tweets linked through the vertical colored line). I will add a note under the pic to specify the reading order.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Originally, the gift planned was another manip but I never managed to find a base for it. Actually, I have one photo but never satisfied me, so the manip (that was to be Mary's 2019 gift) never saw the light. I had the idea of using this one only few weeks ago. The results certainly are below my expectations, but the quality of the pic was low in the first place, so I shouldn't complain much about my inability to do a decent job.
A Tumblr link doesn't look like that when posted on Twitter. I changed it because... well, the "official" was ugly - to say the least.
Twitter graphic made all by-hand, with much moving/copy/pasting. No template site. Since I created my own template, it doesn't reflect recent changes over Twitter (I have no intention of modify my template).
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Art featured belongs to the beloved Maryluis (used with permission).
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (640 x 1271) - read from top to bottom
About the graphic: Arthuriana Daily is a daily appointment in which Arthur engages with his fandom (originally it was the BBC series fandom, but he reclaimed it; the series was inspired by Merlin's books that told his very life, so it is his personal fandom) by sharing a fanwork he liked (or both a fanart and a fanfic, depends on how much free time he got that day). One of the rules is that he picks an artist or a writer and then shares only one of their works. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes is not. That's why he started to resent the rule he set.
Another rule is that he should try to not pick the same person more than once, but he as long since broken that specific rule (he just cannot remember all the people he reviewed in the past).

Click to see fullsize (640 x 916) - read from top to bottom
About the graphic: Arthur likes to take pictures imitating the arts he liked, especially as his personal gift for the artist birthday. Merlin, the old grumpy fart, never indulges him though. Evil Merlin!
Notes: Professor Gaius is Merlin's disguise, a man in his thirties (because Merlin never really got old) who officially is known as Merlin's nephew. Arthur likes to bug Merlin about this and publicly toy with Merlin's biggest secret.
In this AU the BBC series was inspired by a series of books written by Merlin himself (at the time under a pseudonym) in which he told his and Arthur's tale. Unknowingly, the Merlin authors (by changing the material a bit to make the story fit a series for the time slot and audience chosen for it) added few scenes that actually happened but Merlin didn't feel the need to write (they didn't add anything to the story).

Notes 2: After many calculations, including the span of time in which the tv series takes places and the established date of the Battle of Camlann, it turns out that Merlin should've come to Camelot between the 526 and the 527 AD.

Click to see fullsize (640 x 609) - read from top to bottom
About the graphic: This is the closer you will ever get to Arthur admitting he did shed a tear for his fellow king Mufasa and his unjust death. He might feel for Mufasa, seeing in the Disney story a bit of his own, with Morgana plotting to take the reign from him.
Notes: Goes without saying that Arthur refers to the 1994 animation movie.
In this house, and in Camelot, we pretend the 2019 The Lion King never happened. Fight me!

And the photo in full size:

Click to see fullsize (600 x 400)

About the AU
It's the 21th century like we know it, but magic is widely spread and has long since become part of everyday life. The legend of the Once and Future King is real and the people of England are eagerly awaiting for his return. Officially Merlin (with the appearance of Dragoon the Great) is known to hide somewhere and it's said that he will reveal himself when his king will be back; for now Merlin lives his life as the young Professor Gaius de Bois, teaching Medieval History at the University of Avalon and being a renowned historian for his expertise in the Matter of Britain.
When Arthur finally emerges from the Lake of Avalon, he can live his new modern life without changing name nor hiding his true identity, while Merlin returns and keeps his two identities: the official old warlock and the young Professor, claiming that the young Gaius is his nephew.
Although the fact they are lovers is just a rumor, and they've never given any hint that the rumor is true, Arthur and Merlin are in a romantic relationship so they do share the royal bed.
Intrigued by the fact people had told his story, Arthur - without a kingdom to rule and generally something to do with his time - embarks on the quest to read all books and see all movies and shows about him, to either laugh or wonder what exactly Merlin had done in all these centuries when people twisted the true story about Camelot into something that has little to do with the original. He eventually discovers social media and becomes pretty much addicted to it. He will go down the Hell path when he will eventually sign up to Tumblr, but that's another story for another graphic...
For now he already dabbed in that endless pool that is AO3, while lurking around Tumblr.

About this miniseries
The Arthur of this specific AU would soon absorb the way of talk (and especially write) of the modern time, keeping his own (the not-Old English of the TV show) at the same time. By hopping between Twitter (his headquarters online), Instagram and then Tumblr (where else could he find metas and discourse about himself and his many incarnations while have the chance to troll the fandom at the same time?) he would soon adapt to the language of socials. Emoticons would become a fundamental part of his messages and the amount and use would degenerate with the growing of his time online.
Picture Arthur Pendragon behaving like the more recent, self-quarantined Bradley James. (Not that I’d be able to imitate him - he’s way beyond us common mortals; I just aim at capture Bradley's general attitude toward his online followers).
With too much time spent on his socials (and a peek at AO3 - Arthur never really learned that curiosity killed the cat) he eventually comes to appreciate the noble art of drawing fanarts. He welcomes artists tagging him if the BBC's versions of him, Merlin or Gwen are featured (Morgana not much; his sister is still a sore point) but nothing beats the old paper (or, in his case of medieval man, the NEW paper) so he encourages art sent his way to New Camelot. Additionally, he buys prints of his favourite on the artists' shops (because what's better way to encourage artists by allowing them to make some money from their hobby?). The fandom might be pleased; the postman who has to travel to the castle carrying the mail is not so much.
To avoid playing favorites, he strives to comment as little as possible (unless he has something funny to add to a funny art) nor he retweets (he would need to make his presence online a job, to retweet everyone) but he set up a daily appointment in which every day he shares an art from a different artist to boost his fandom. He cares for his fandom, and it must be nurtured for it to be healthy and prolific. Plus, he doesn’t have his fave inner circle of knights to hang out with (and bash) and even the OAFK needs a pastime, else he will get bored - and a bored Arthur is a pain in the arse, ask Merlin!
-> Now, that would be the perfect chance to take a look at Mary's Quarantinelot: a bored Arthur really is a pain.

char merlin: merlin, + graphics, ++ fandom: bbc's merlin, + manips, au: the battle of tumblann, char merlin: arthur pendragon, relat merlin: arthur/merlin, series: tumblann tweets

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