Edit - Merlin AUs: RPG

Apr 20, 2019 22:13

Title: (Hakka & Dragoneyes's) Merlin AUs: Royal (dragon) husbands
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (canon divergence, post-canon) AU
AU: The Royal Husbands
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Mithian
Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Mithian, Peter (OC-ish), Susan (OC-ish), Aithusa.
Rating: G
Tagline: AU in which a series of canon divergences lead to Arthur surviving the mortal wound inflicted him by Mordred at Camlann and, with the help of Merlin who then becomes his Prince Consort, bringing the golden age foretold by the prophecies.
Series: Merlin AUs
Notes: This AU has originated by the RPG I and aleniakalain started to have some fun during our evening chats. At first it was just a "Merlin and Arthur are together", no plot, no explanations, with a generic time setting ("Camlann already happened"). With months going by, and the addition of little Aithusa to the mix, I eventually felt the need to give some sense to this "universe" we were playing with. Hence this AU got shaped, and it has a fine plot if one had the time and dedication to turn it into a multi-chaptered monster-lenght fic.
I have none of that dedication (plus I already have too many ideas that are more worth) but I feel that this story should still be shared because I like it very much.
Notes 2: The plot features baby dragons raised as members of the household who think their papa are dragons of a wingless kind (else they wouldn't be called "Pendragons", duh!) mated with dragonlords, sons who have to fill the uncomfortable shoes of their already-legendary king fathers, former servants who feel uncomfortable in their new crowned roles, an united Albion, a Mithian Queen of Camelot and a fusion with Harry Potter as in Merlin founding a school of magic with four wizards.
A packed plot, for a RPG meant to fill some evenings, right?
Notes 3: I plan to translate the almost 20 pages of notes I have about this AU, mostly an in-depth summary of what happens after Camlann, through the Nemeth and Camelot’s agreement and to finish with Arthur’s future as sleeping king (and Merlin’s life through the centuries). I also have on the works an edits series to illustrate the "chapters" of this story. If you are interested, be my guest and return here in the near future: all will be under the tag linked above.
Notes 4: As far as I remember, I must credit Katiemcgrath at Tumblr for the initial idea of the Narnia kids as the kids for Arthur (and Merlin, in that case). I know she leans more on the Narnia kids as small versions of the OT4 instead of children of the four main character, but yeah: all thanks to her nonetheless. :)
Notes 5: An old thing started in February 2018 finished for the Merlin’s Spring Cleaning Project.
Notes 6: On a side note, I still have to find a "face" for OC Meredith, the lady-in-waiting. If you have suggestions (actresses in medieval/historical tv series/movies only), hit the ask in my Tumblr blog.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): The bloody circlet. I hate it so much you have no idea. Why don't we have HQ promo pics with Arthur and the circlet? Why does it always look so bad in every manip I attempt with it?
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

About the AU
Few months after the sacrifice that has shaken the core of Camelot, Lancelot awakes in the land of the living, his spirit released from the world behind the Veil. His return to Camelot comes as a surprise but all rejoice in seeing him well and in health. Always mistrustful Merlin fears the hand of Morgana behind the miraculous return from the dead of his old friend, but the vengeful high priestess is for once innocent and Lancelot turns out to be who he appears to be: a man who has been given, for unclear reasons, a new chance at life.
With a little nudge from Merlin, Gwen finally questions her relationship with Arthur and the relationship she never had the chance to have with Lancelot; this eventually leads to her understand that, while her love for the king is big and sincere, they simply aren’t meant, for the woman could be a good wife to the man Arthur and the servant could be an unofficial good advisor and friend for the king to turn too in time of need, but the handmaid named Guinevere couldn't be a good queen to administer justice and hold the reins of the kingdom in place of her husband.
With Gwen and Lancelot exploring their rekindled and yet new love, with the grudging blessing of the king, Arthur turns his complete attention to a kingdom that needs him the most, especially with Morgana's looming shadow and the presence of a traitor in the castle: there is no time for him to find a replacement for Gwen in both his heart and on the throne. His uncle encourages his lack of action on the matter by suggesting his nephew takes some time for himself after the breakup to "heal his broken heart"; Agravaine does also his best to dissuade Arthur from ever considering a political marriage with the princess of Nemeth to solve the dispute, an ally that wouldn’t be liked by Morgana - who doesn’t want any woman to sit on the throne she perceives hers.
Meanwhile, Merlin’s life is no easier and, between thwart Morgana schemes and protect Arthur from his uncle, he finds the time to save the last dragon egg from the destructive wishes of his king. Kilgharrah suggests Merlin to hide the egg somewhere where the last dragon will rest until it will come the time for the little creature to be hatched.
With the threat of Morgana always looming on his life and his thrust once again broken by who that was closest to him by blood, Arthur permanently puts aside the search for a woman to stand at his side. Morgana’s suspicious disappearance allows him a couple of years of relative peace, in which he is first involved in small skirmishes with rogue magical bandits unrelated to his sister and then in the chaos ensued after the fall of Sarrum of Amata, whose death at the hands of his prisoner - surprisingly, the vanished Morgana - has left his kingdom in shambles.
So it happens that, when Mordred betrays him by joining Morgana and Camlann is elected as the battlefield for the last stand, Arthur has neither wife nor heir to entrust the kingdom to. It’s all or nothing, for the Pendragon siblings.
Without the help of a dragon to forge an invincible sword for her champion, Morgana last battle is an ultimate failure: Emrys has returned with his power, her army of Saxons is defeated and her only ally dies on the battlefield without successfully taking the life of her hated brother.
Having lost her spy at the castle, exposed by Gwen and promptly executed before the army even reached Camlann, she has only herself to discover what is happening to her brother and what Merlin/Emrys plans to do to cure his king from the magical wound. This delay allows Merlin and Arthur to almost reach Avalon when Morgana intercepts them, thus Arthur is saved - although his recovery lasts many weeks, what it takes for him and Merlin to mend their broken bond and trust.
The time spent bound to a bed, and with a warlock-servant plagued by nightmares of “what ifs”, forces Arthur to rethink about his life since this gangly and clumsy boy has come at his service. The true nature of his feelings for whom he thought his closest friend are revealed and eventually Arthur faces Merlin - who was just brooding in his unrequited love since years. The intimacy in their relationship comes with time, as the gradual opening of Camelot to healing magic. By the time Arthur makes his relationship with his servant official, the court has resigned to the fact the warlock who protected Camelot in the last eight(?) years will soon become their Prince (Consort). The blessing comes with the agreement that Arthur will give the throne an heir, a detail that Arthur keeps postponing until Merlin feels that the egg he saved many years before (and that now rests in a chest on Arthur’s bedside cabinet) really wants to be hatched. The dragon that comes out of it decides that the grumpy human staring at her really looks like a dragon and must therefore be “papa dragon”, a father that adopted her by allowing her egg to be brought in his very-dragon nest.
The little scales-covered thing conquers poor Arthur’s heart and becomes Camelot’s princess, although officially she’s given only the title of “Ward”; the court finds it much funny that the first heir the king has sired is... a talking dragon. Arthur becomes a master in turning a deaf ear to the court’s request to give the throne a human heir, his hands full of his dragon demanding and spoiled daughter, until the dispute with Nemeth becomes relevant again. Princess Mithian travels with the delegation appointed to settle the dispute. She enjoys Camelot’s hospitality and gets to know - and like - the King and his Prince Consort. And the lady-in-waiting assigned to her for the time of her stay. Especially the lady-in-waiting.
Nemeth and Camelot reach an agreement that will be formalised with an union between the king of Camelot and the princess of Nemeth, aimed at siring an heir for both the kingdoms. Mithian is such a kind soul that quickly conquers the hearth of the whole court, and in no time gets crowned Queen, second in line for the succession to the throne.
Mithian gives birth to a son and, a couple of years later (after bugging Arthur about this, because he doesn’t want to risk her life with another pregnancy), to a daughter.
The golden age of the High King has started. But, when the new generation of Pendragon will be ready to step in, the Once and Future King will be reclaimed by sleep, to awake when he will be needed again.

char merlin: merlin, ++ fandom: chronicles of narnia, relat merlin: arthur/mithian, au: the royal husbands, char merlin: pendragon heirs, char merlin: aithusa, series: merlin aus, au: aithusa pendragon, ++ fandom: bbc's merlin, char merlin: mithian, + edits, char merlin: arthur pendragon, relat merlin: arthur/merlin

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