Manip - Arthur and Arthur Pendragon, Princes of Camelot

Apr 10, 2019 22:33

Title: Arthur and Arthur Pendragon, Princes of Camelot
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (canon era) AU
AU: Pendragon twins
Characters: Arthur Pendragon.
Rating: G
Tagline: A morning in the life of the two (magical) princes of Camelot.
About the manip: This is the image that welcomes Merlin every morning when he draws back the curtains to let the sun enter the royal chambers of his master(s).
About the AU: Under the manip.
Notes: A by-product manip made for the edit/presentation of the AU I'm working on since forever. This manip ended up trashed from that project so it won't be featured in the edit, but I decided to finish it nonetheless, and it is currently the best "Arthur + Arthur" I managed so far.
Notes 2: Posted for the Merlin’s Spring Cleaning Project.
Notes 3: This is one of the AUs I'm hitching to write, and there's already a good quality first storyboard. Dedication -1000, though.
And, of course, the plot grew out of hand with planned canon divergences for almost every episode of the series (which means that, if I ever managed to write the fanfic, I would have to rewrite all the episodes). Please insert my crying here.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): The quality is low but I did what I could to up it a bit starting from caps of a season that wasn't filmed in HD.
I love finding ways to include the signature though!
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Both screencaps from Far Far Away.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1254 x 576)

About the AU
A sorceress took vengeance on Uther by forever tainting his only son with magic. How so? By splitting them into two people, obviously.
Arthur and Arthur (because one refused to change his name just to please his/their father and make everyone else's life easier) share (almost) everything, including the bed. Picture poor Merlin's confusion when, during his first day into the honorable job of manservant to the Prince he saved the night before, finds out that the Prince are actually two Princes, both with a bad temper and that yes, not only he's meant to serve both, but his destiny as warlock is to save both royal arses nonetheless.
At least he has one Arthur to claim for himself, when Gwen gets her hands on the one crowned as legitimate heir to the throne. It's just his luck that his own will be the more anti-magic of the two, le sigh.
The two get known as respectively "the Prince" (the one Uther had crowned as the heir to the throne) and "the Knight", both with their own attitudes and skills: when once there was one person that was both skilled in combat and prepared to become a king, now there is one that is born to rule and another to fight.
→ Yes, this is Star Trek’s “The Enemy Within” trope.

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, + manips, au: pendragon twins, relat merlin: arthur/merlin, char merlin: arthur pendragon

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