Manip - Gaius de Bois, Slytherin (6th year)

Feb 05, 2019 22:11

Title: Gaius de Bois, Slytherin (6th year)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon) AU / Harry Potter
AU: the Royal Patronus
Characters: Merlin
Rating: G
Tagline: Slytherin student Gaius de Bois, in his previous life know as the Great Merlin.
About the manip: What if Hogwarts had the custom to have every student pose for a photo shoot at the start of the year? Yes, they would probably do so in front of a better location, one that reflected the student’s House, but the blank background is more stylish, especially if Hogwarts had acquired the noble tradition of having a magical year book?
About the AU: Under the manip.
Notes: I'm planning to do something with this manip (as in putting it together with the Patronus), but I thought I could share it as it is, since it's complete on its own.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): This manip had been finished a year or so ago but was sitting on my computer waiting for its companion (the Patronus in its king form) to be done as well: I simply didn't know what to do with the (lack of) background of the original Draco Malfoy pic.
February the 1st I was tiding up a bit my WIP-Manips folder and decided to properly finish it (add the signature, check if everything's perfect)... and ended up changing Colin's face from scratch because the one I previously picked had a nasty "line of white light" on the cheek that irked me. Well, the second try turned out better than the original: this one fits better, Colin looks younger (even though both faces come from the Season 1 promo shoots) and the shadows/lights are more balanced.
Quite satisfied with the result. ^^
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Original is a promo shot of Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, downloaded from Oclumencia (is the site dead? T_T)
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1900 x 2550)

About the AU
With the Lake of Avalon drained and no hope to ever see Arthur rise again, Merlin decides to wipe his own memory and turn himself into a child with blurred memories about a mother he had lost and with only an old ring as beloved possession. At his eleventh birthday, he receives a visit from Minerva McGranitt from the Hogwarts school and he discovers - to everyone's bafflement - that he's the owner of the vault number 1 at the Gringotts, although the Goblin refuse to release any valuable info about its previous owner.
During the years as student, he sees images from his previous life (both Camelot and the centuries after) in his dreams, but never hears names and he thinks it's his imagination playing him tricks.
When it's time to learn to cast a Patronus, he finds himself with the only Patronus with the shape of a knight that doesn't behave like any other. A Patronus that starts to stalk him and pops up on its own will, a stubborn glowing knight that doesn't do what it's told to and gets eventually adopted as an unofficial 6th year in the same house of its owner.
Unbeknownst to everyone, under the glowing helmet of the Patronus hides the spirit of the Once and Future King - a figure so legendary that all in the magic world respect him despite his muggle origins. The Patronus is the only way Arthur could be sent back without breaking Merlin's spell (and going against Merlin’s wish to forget), and he accepts that this time it's him the one with the duty to protect.
Don't worry, a magic war later (and after becoming a teacher at the school), Gaius will eventually see the (bright) face under the helmet, the Patronus will loose its knight shape to get its final kingly form (that will scare the shit out of everyone). And finally Gaius will recognize the figure of his glowing friend for what he is: the king of the magic world. And this will lead to himself remembering, thus breaking the spell.

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, au: merlin in hogwarts, au: the royal patronus, char merlin: merlin, + manips, ++ fandom: harry potter

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