Graphic - Empire's poster boy

Nov 22, 2010 04:50

Title: Empire's poster boy
Artist: Hakka ( prue84  )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Characters: James Kirk
Rating: G
About the manip: Empire's PR forced asked their newly appointed goldenboy/hero human Captain to get interviewed for a well-know magazine.
Notes: All us nu!Kirk lovers kinda had an heart attack when stumbled across Chris Pine's Details photoshoot, right?
Well, I had not one but two heart attacks and like two orgasms. Beside Captain Fine's gorgeous body in fucking leather and his hotness offered to us drooling girls after stealing Zach's way of making love with posing in front of the camera... well, how can you make someone understand how you feel when Chris Pine poses like your fucking mirror reboot Jim Kirk ?? Yes, mine and aleniakalain 's own mirror version of reboot James T. Kirk wears (since before August when we started develop that mirror universe) skin-tight leather pants (not so tight to make him look blatantly queer, if you know what I mean), and a black, sleeveless shirt (taken from a one from the Energie brand I own since I was a teenager and used to wear males clothes). The only difference between our version and Pine's look is the boots: in our universe, Kirk wears New Rocks boots (more useful to kick some asses, believe me - try "New rock heavenly" on google) but... yeah, some photos for our own Kirk, yayyy! My mood, when I saw the cover, was like "WTF WTF *_* *_*" for hours, no kidding.
Anyway, my mind then totally degenerated until the Muse begged me to convert Details to a Vulcan-Human Empire's related magazine. When I did this one, the plain photo had not been released yet (by the way, what's the point in PS-removing the chain for the cover? o_O) so I had worked on the cover version here, covering all the titles I could: redoing the hands had been a nightmare and I've been able only because I had to put some written things there, but the arms, trees on the background and bits on the car has been reconstructed by me. It took me two or three days of work (how to waste time, yes, I know) plus an additional evening to add the tattoos, and I finished this two weeks ago.
Anyway, that's what I got!
Disclaimer: Off course I don't own Details magazine (I would have loved to buy this month's copy but, after seeing the photo I wanted wasn't included...). I didn't use fonts related to the magazine (which are unavailable, actually) but free fonts found around DAfonts. I'm saying it just the be safe.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (600 x 816)

series: magazine covers, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk, + graphics, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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