Art - Mine!

Nov 01, 2010 05:24

I did this one back in August (or was it early September?) when I was testing my tablet. Nothing special as I wished to do, but... I lost too much hours on this damn doodle to not share it at all. The problem is that I've done this on my notebook, which I discovered has a very bright monitor so... Spock wasn't supposed to be this green but pink with a shade of green! *growls*
Even playing with levels on PS didn't help. T_T
Heavily inspired by an Harry/Draco by always_polaris , so half the credit (and more) is hers. :D

Title: Mine!
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Pairing: Spock/Kirk
Characters: James Kirk, Spock, Prime!Spock
Rating: G
Notes: I don't need to explain what's happening, right? Jealous!Spock is soo jealous! *grin*
Cross-posted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (600 x 816)

+ art, 2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock prime, char trek: spock

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