Manip - Queen Mithian of Camelot and Nemeth

Sep 07, 2018 22:17

Title: Queen Mithian of Camelot and Nemeth
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (canon divergence, post-canon) AU
AU: The Royal Husbands
Pairing: Arthur/Mithian (implied), Arthur/Merlin
Characters: Mithian
Rating: G
Tagline: The future Queen mother of Camelot's heir.
About the manip: A by-product manip of an edit I'm planning to do about this RPG AU: since I made it, I thought it was a waste to not share the piece.
About the AU: When Lancelot is sent sent back to the world of the livings after he sacrificed himself to close the Veil, Gwen realizes that, between the two boys she loves, a relationship with a knight of humble origins has better chances than the one with a king that comes with a throne and a heavy kingdom, and so she picks Lancelot over Arthur. Arthur, who has given his blessing to the couple, doesn't find the time nor interest to find himself a wife and he's still a golden bachelor by the time Camlann happens.
Merlin manages to save him and they eventually acknowledge their feelings. The Court backs Arthur's wish to marry a male servant on the premise that Arthur will pick a woman to give the kingdom a heir. And here comes Mithian, who might be more interested in women, so Camelot and Nemeth can make an agreement that will make both households happy. Since Mithian is wonderful, and fondness between her and the Royal Couple of Camelot grows, she's eventually given the title of Queen of Camelot, third in line after the King and the Prince Consort.
Arthur and Mithian will have two children, the first born a male who will inherit Camelot and the second a daughter that will inherit Nemeth.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Original picture from tv series Galavant, Janet Montgomery from Salem, both pictures found at Far Far Away.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1500 x 1900)

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, char merlin: mithian, + manips, relat merlin: arthur/mithian, au: the royal husbands

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