(Almost) complete guide to Hakka & Dragon's Merlin

Jun 27, 2018 17:48

A comprehensive recap of most of the ideas on Merlin I and aleniakalain developed since we've jumped into this fandom. This list might grow with time, as new ideas pop up and, although not all are and will be featured, I'll make an attempt to keep this post updated so to have a place to link to when I post a manip and I don't want to explain once again the basic of this or that AU.

What isn't Canon Era, is to be considered a Return that follows the canon.
Titles marked with ★ are to be considered "main" timelines.

[The list behind the spoiler cut]

Canon era: divergence
An event that unfolds in a different way causes a divergence from the canon material. The setting is the same, the kingdom of Camelot under the despotic rule of King Uther who's made his life purpose to eradicate magic from his lands. The main characters are forced to change their behaviors because of the divergence, but are otherwise the same and even the events play out like in the series, unless stated.
  • The Royal Husbands (also known as the RPG universe) ★
    When Lancelot unexpectedly returns from the dead, Gwen faces her feelings for both Lancelot and Arthur and, conscious that Arthur comes with a heavy baggage, she picks Lancelot with Arthur's blessing.
    Arthur doesn't search for another queen for himself and so he's still a single king when Camlann happens.
    Merlin manages to save his life at Avalon: in the following weeks, as Arthur recovers, they have a hard confrontation about magic and “feelings” and they become a couple. With time, they get engaged and then marry: the court gives its approval at Arthur's promise to pick a noble woman to give the throne an heir. He will. Eventually. Royal Promise.
  • The Royal Husbands: Aithusa Pendragon ★ [ tag]
    Follow up of the above. Merlin has never hatched the dragon egg and he does so when he's already the Prince Consort of Camelot. Aithusa, hatched when Camelot still hasn’t officially changed its stance on magic, decides that Arthur is a dragon; she will be officially adopted as Ward, although she's raised as a Pendragon child, and she considers herself as Arthur's daughter (with Merlin her "dragonlord mom"”).
    Arthur is eventually forced to do something for the whole "heir with no scales" matter, and selects Mithian as the woman who will give Camelot the heir: theirs will be a political "union" (she might be a little bit leaning towards women, by the way) to give both kingdoms an heir. The first born, a male (Peter Pevensie from Narnia movies) will inherit Camelot while the female (Susan Pevensie) will inherit Nemeth. Aithusa, the Ward, will inherit the "nest" and protect Camelot.
    Arthur will be required to relinquish life and sleep, since the prophecy of his return is still valid and he isn’t allowed to grow old, and he will do so when Albion is pacified under him as High King of Britain and magic is thriving, entrusting all in the hands of his grown up son.
    He'll wake up now and then, just so that Merlin doesn't loose his mind, but he'll properly return in modern times, finding his castle turned into a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and with the reputation of being the progenitor of the dragons (as father of Aithusa, who has rebuild her race).
  • The Merlin hawk
    A scared Morgana warns Arthur that Aredian thinks Merlin has magic. Arthur orders Merlin to leave Camelot before he's ordered by Uther to hunt his servant and Morgana trusts Arthur with her secret. Few weeks later a stubborn small hawk decides he wants to live in Arthur's chambers, a hawk that turns out to be Merlin in disguise. With his former servant as winged (unwillingly spoiled) pet, and a witch to protect from his father, Arthur finds himself thrust earlier on the throne thanks to the ploys of Morgause, who has Uther killed and then shows up to offer her help to the new Camelot.
    → I planned to write this, but I still have to start it.
  • The princes of Camelot ★
    Out of revenge for Uther's war against magic, a priestess curses Arthur, who is split into two different people, same in body but with different attitudes, one retaining what will make him a good king and another to be the best knight of Camelot.
    Poor Merlin finds himself, in the worst way, that he's been rewarded with the job of manservant not for a prince, but for two. Well, at least he will get a Arthur all for himself, when Gwen will take the future king for her.
    → Itching to start writing this one.Unfortunately, for know is just in queue.
  • Merlin and his twin brother Emrys ★
    A spell thrown his way, and Merlin finds himself split. Arthur does his best to cover for him/them - with the help of Morgana and Gwen - in wait for Gaius to find a way to break the curse but when it turns out there is no counter-spell, and Merlin is doomed to stay doubled, Arthur decides Merlin - and Merlin - will stay at Camelot, making sure Uther and others won't find out about their "condition".
    While one of the two will keep the name Merlin, the other picks the name Emrys: Merlin is meek and optimistic (like Merlin Season 1), Emrys is seasoned and ruthless (like Merlin Season 5). Since they have different approaches to issues, they end up not acting when they are told to act and things play out well for both Morgana (who will never turn against Camelot) and their sexual life - they get their hands on the Prince.
    The story then follows with Arthur's return (as the dragon Arrakis) when the twins share the chair of History of Magic at Hogwarts.
  • Merlin the savannah cat, 1 (pre-slash)
    To get rid of Emrys, who protects Arthur, evil warlocks hit Merlin with a spell that turns him into a (savannah) cat: luckily, Merlin's power hinders the effects of the magic and he retains his consciousness.
    With the help of Lancelot (and Gwen), Merlin manages to keep Arthur in the darkness about his temporary "condition" and, as a stray and stubborn cat, forces his way at Arthur's side so to protect him.
  • Merlin the savannah cat, 2 (slash)
    During a hunting trip, Merlin takes a spell meant for Arthur that turns him into a (savannah) cat. While Gaius is tasked with the search of a way to fix Merlin, Arthur takes the duty to care for his lover now temporary in the form of a cat.
  • Crimson Dawn bond
    Inspired by the Crimson Dawn arc from X-Men. Arthur is offered a chance to save a heavy-injured Merlin from death by agreeing to share his life force with Merlin. He keeps the secret for the years following, as canon events happen: the truth is revealed when Arthur wakes in the boat, as he's sent to Avalon.
    → Planning to write this fanfiction. Want to write this!
  • Merlin's egg
    Merlin's magic is discovered and Uther orders for him to be burned at the stake; Arthur is unable to save him and can only watch as his servant (and friend) burn. On the still warm pyre, between the ashes it's found a metal-like red and gold egg. Arthur is ordered to destroy it, but nobody can; to worsen things, the egg grows in size until it's clear it can host a human inside.
    It turns out that Merlin is similar to a phoenix and he cannot be killed. Which doesn't make Arthur too much unhappy...
  • The Knightesses of Camelot

    A stubborn Morgana talks Arthur into agreeing to train willing women to fight and, since she's used to get what she wants, she manages to build the first group of female knights of Albion.
  • The curse of the dragon
    Nimueh, acting on the will of the Triple Goddess, inflicts her justice on Uther by cursing Camelot, that will sleep until a man of good heart will break the magic.
    At the same time, a red and gold dragon awakes in the sleeping citadel, protecting it from anyone who enters the gates.
    With the king asleep and the prince mysteriously missing, the new court, that assembles in a fortress of Carlion, has to elect a regent and find a way to break the curse: the dragon must die. But nobody seems to be able to kill the beast.
    Five years later, a young man called Merlin sets off from his small village to reach Camelot in the hope to use his magic for the people sleeping in the former capital of the once-powerful kingdom.

Canon era: alternate
The place is the same, the kingdom of Camelot, but something is different from the starts so the whole story starts on different premises, that might change more or less the lives of the characters as seen in canon. The characters themselves might be very different from the ones in the tv show.
  • The Pendragon Siblings ★ [ tag]
    Merlin never came to Camelot and the Great Dragon picked Guinevere to protect Arthur from his enemies. Without the presence of Merlin, everything changes and Arthur ascends to the throne much earlier and he eventually picks his secret-sister Morgana as his Queen, in a not-consumed marriage (because they aren't incestuous).
    It's when the new young couple has set in and Camelot has changed its stance toward magic, that the druids make a gift to the king: a loyal serval cat, who might be more than a mere cat...
    The story includes Arthur dying at Camlann, Morgana traveling for centuries to then settle for a job at Hogwarts, and then Arthur returning.
    → I started this, but this story is too big to ever hope I'll be able to finish the first part (from the canon to the start of the Golden Age), let alone the other three! (the arrival of Merlin and Morgause, Camlann and Morgana's life through the centuries, Arthur's return)
  • The Mark of the Pendragons ★ [ tag]
    In ancient times, dragons able to take human shape have taken human mates and given life to children that, human in form, also bore marks of their dragon parent, marks that watered down with the centuries until becoming the Mark, a patch of scales. The man who founded the Pendragon household was son of a red Dragon Marked and a gold Dragon Marked, so the Dragon mark is strong in it: the second born of a Pendragon is always a Child of the Dragons, a child more close to the original dragon-human child, with wings, tails, horns and such.
    Arthur, as the second child of Uther, is a Child of Dragon with wings and tail and Uther, fearing for him, during the Purge launches a campaign to wipe out the Dragonlord that could control the next king of Camelot. Unbeknownst to him, the servant he picks for his son... is the last child of the Dragonlords.
    → I did write the fanfiction from the birth of Arthur to his meeting with Merlin, but then the story got out of control and has grown into three other parts that I'm unable to set up properly. Will I be able to give some sense to the story?
  • Dragon!Merlin ★
    The quest for the Prince of Camelot (instead of retrieving the Golden Trident) is to reach a tower where it lives a solitary dragon and bring the beast to Camelot - possibly dead.
    The dragon, lean and all limbs, turns out to be not much interested in Arthur's quest, and instead interested in the human "prat": it follows Arthur home and adopts himself as some kind of pet - even if, under the scales, there's a Dragonlord with both dragon and human form, plus all Emrys' powers.
  • Girl!Merlin ★
    Merlin is a girl who has been raised with no gender roles. By the time she's (almost) adult and lacks even a trace of female curves, everyone believes she's a man so, when she arrives at Camelot and crosses path with the Prince, it's no surprise that she's believed a man. So Merlin, the only daughter of Hunith of Ealdor... becomes the manservant of Prince Arthur Pendragon.
    Chaos ensues when she's faced with fifty shades of naked Prince. The poor girl gets a bad case of blue ovaries. Until Arthur manages to open his eyes and work out his freakout, that's it. Then Arthur can properly marry his manservant-who-isn't-a-man and make her his Queen.
    After the death of Arthur, she goes to follow the path of Dark!Merlin, Depressed!Merlin or the Modern Magic Merlins. Pick your favorite.
    We genderbent some of the other AUs:
    - The Marked!Arthur: they manage to have a daughter, when Arthur returns: a child they name Aithusa (since the spirit is the same), a child with wings, tail and the Mark on the neck (much like the cutie from "Aithusa de Bois").
    - Tumblann: poor Merlin becomes the dream of the SJW side of Tumblr, since people cannot decide which gender and sexuality is Merlin (and therefore even Arthur's sexuality is unknown).
    - Royal Patronus: the Patronus has the appearance of King from the start. Poor Arthur lives in never-ending embarrassment, since he has to hang out in the girls dormitory.
  • Soulmate: Albion mark
    The soulmate tattoo appears on an adult Arthur: it looks like a vine that, from the ankle, climbs the leg until it settles on the chest, and it's full of protective magic that doesn't react with Merlin's magic.
    It will change its shape, into a three to then vanish and settle into Arthur's skin, when Arthur and Merlin join their bodies. Only later, they will discover Arthur's soulmate is literally magic (Albion) through its embodiment (Merlin).
  • Soulmate: Merlin's mark
    In a world where only lucky ones are born with a soulmate and their mark, and a mark can become deadly if one is rejected by their soulmate or the soulmate dies, Arthur is marked but he discovers that his soulmate, Merlin, isn't, meaning they aren't meant to be together. Arthur hides his secret and plans his life to marry a woman that will be a good Queen to leave the kingdom, but Merlin doesn't agree. A fight ensues, and the twisted mark attempts at Athur's life.
    → I plan to write this fanfiction. If and when, that's another story.
  • Soulmate: two sides of the same coin
    Arthur has a soulmate mark he knows belong to a sorcerer called Emrys. When Merlin enters his life Arthur not only discovers this man is related to his mark but his servant is also a sorcerer.
    It takes him much time to accept it but then he decides to wait for Merlin to say or do anything about it, and even when he discovers that Merlin has no mark: the mark belongs to a person that completes you, and he is just a bit bummed to know that their bond is one-sides.
    It’s a heart-breaking moment for him when Merlin escapes Camelot with Freya and, while Merlin seems happy in his exile with the druid girl, Arthur suffers, until the mark takes his life.
    When Merlin, months later, feels he needs to return to Camelot to check how life goes without him, he discovers that Arthur is resting in the royal crypt. Unbeknownst to him, after Merlin’s visit, Arthur awakes from his death.

  • Spirits of Avalon

    In Albion there’s a tradition that binds the members of royal families with the magic through a bond between the human and a spirit that has to be evoked in the night of the coming of age and that will stay in the world of the mortals as long as their human is alive. The object of the bond, the channeling object, is a collar that the spirit wears. Arthur, the young prince of Camelot, returns from the ceremony that takes place on Avalon with a scrawny young boy that looks worthless and embarrassing for the role of spirit mate of the future king of Camelot. Uther, who has a spirit whose name is Balinor, isn’t impressed. Little does he - and everyone - knows that Merlin is the most powerful of them all and the bond between Arthur and Merlin will become a legend, a bond that will overcome even the destruction of the channelling object itself.

Merlin in Hogwarts
A lonely Merlin, in his endless wandering after the demise of Arthur, has a role in the founding of Hogwarts. In most recent years, awaiting for the return of his king, he either ends up teaching at the school under the name of Gaius de Bois (if he had went into hiding, faking his death) or is the Headmaster as Merlin the Great.
  • Dark!Merlin ★ [ tag]
    Angered with the world and magic - because he still hasn't been given back his King - and uncaring for everything that might happen around him, Merlin is leading down a dangerous path. Before he can turn into a Dark Wizard and corrupt Magic through the bond he shares with Its very essence, Magic itself decides it's time to wake Arthur and have him make a final attempt to save Merlin without revealing himself: Merlin will see under his disguise (a small red and gold dragon) and understand his dragon-language only when he'll be free from the grip of dark magic.
    Arthur embarks on this war to save Merlin's soul, and to do so he will have to draw on himself Merlin's rage.
    Luckily for him, at least the Triwizard Tournament takes place in Durmstrang and Voldemort has no hand in it, so he can focus on the stupid Professor de Bois' obsession.
    Would you believe it if I told you the "storyboard" of this story is 120 pages (and still growing), and covers even the following Hogwarts years?
  • Depressed!Merlin ★ [ tag]
    Merlin is turned into a severe depressed man by his loneliness and pain: the Lake of Avalon drained, the spirit of Arthur the only one not coming at the summons of the Horn, the curse of immortality, all lead him to attempt suicide. His whole life revolves around attempting a new method of suicide at the anniversary of Camlann, and teaching History of Magic the rest of the year. Arthur returns, hidden under the disguise of a dragon found by Draco Malfoy - of all people, with the task to help Merlin overcome his self-harming obsession without revealing himself.
    All the while, Voldemort - or, rather, Sirius Black - is plotting... it's Harry Potter's Third Year, after all.
    Would you believe it if I told you the "storyboard" of this story is 190 pages (and still growing)? Yes, it's embarrassing. Especially because it and covers all the rest of the Harry Potter's years at Hogwarts, and few more - including a scene with Albus Potter.
  • The Royal Sleeping Beauty [ tag]
    After the death of Gwen, Merlin - who has been left the property of the castle and the citadel - makes it his duty to protect the magic people and he uses the citadel as a safe haven for everyone who needs protection. As centuries passes by, the castle - moved on the shores of Avalon - becomes a place of learning where the four Founders give life to the England school of magic, Camelot School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
    Merlin takes the role of the Headmaster and, given the castle belongs to him, the Ministry has no way to meddle.
    One day an altar from the Isle of the Blessed pops up in the throne room, as bed for the resting Once and Future King, who awaits to be awakened. By true love.
    → Wishing to write it.
  • The Royal Eagle (Dark!Merlin edition) [ tag]
    AU of the Dark!Merlin above. Merlin is dangerously dabbing with dark magic in order to force Arthur's awakening. Magic decides to return the King earlier to his Warlock before Merlin descends a path from where he won't be able to return again. Therefore Arthur's back, just in a different shape: a golden eagle. But under the feathers, there's still the Royal Prat and his Prattiness.
    Merlin also works at Hogwarts, holding the chair of Defense Against the Dark Arts.
    → I've started this fanfiction but I'm stuck half-way. :(
  • Camelot School of Witchcraft and Wizardry crest
    Gwen leaves the property of the citadel of Camelot to Merlin who eventually uses it to found the School, with the help of the four Founders, the castle moved on the shore of Avalon.
    Poor Arthur returns and finds his castle turned into a school of bloody warlocks! It's a miracle he doesn't throw a hysteric fit.
  • The Draco of the Triwizard Tournament
    With no age limits for the participants, Hogwarts Champion is Harry Potter but a fourth name comes out of the Goblet: Arrakis Malfoy, the unruly dragon pet of Draco Malfoy. Poor Draco is forces to take part of the tournament, hating his king-under-disguise so, so much.
    Voldemort won't be happy, when he'll met the pointy end of Excalibur...
  • The Royal Patronus: Depressed!Merlin edition
    When a person is forgotten (because all people who had known them are dead), their spirit cease to exist behind the Veil.
    Merlin (the same of the Depressed!Merlin above) has forgotten his King through a spell, and no other person truly knows Arthur Pendragon (the Arthur in the books is much different than the real), so he should vanish: Arthur's spirit, on the contrary, cannot vanish, since it's linked to the lands of Albion and it's meant to return.
    Arthur is therefore trapped, unable to properly return and unable to vanish either; his only way to return is for his spirit to take over the light-made body of Merlin's Patronus, a body that don't allow him to speak, communicate or sleep.
    Yes, this is one angsty story.
  • Night at the Museum remix
    Merlin manages, by either chance or after research, to get his hands on the Tablet of Akhmenrah (or a similar artefact). Given that he is the Headmaster of the Camelot School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he has filled the throne room with statues of his friends the knights, Gaius and Gwen, every night the statues come to life.
    There can be a statue of Arthur as well, or - if Arthur is sleeping at the castle as the Royal Sleeping Beauty - his body. Either way, he comes to life as well during the night.
  • Murderlin and Bloodfirekis
    Crossover between the "Pendragon siblings" return/sequel and the Arthur-under-dragon-disguise of the Harry Potter AUs.
    Merlin, in his animal form of serval and "pet" of professor Gorlois (who is Morgana under disguise), is called Murderlin because he's a bloody dangerous beast feared at the school. Arthur returns under the form of a small red and gold dragon and, upon his arrival at the Hogsmeade station, he makes himself a reputation because of a small bout of flames (poor king, he was just a bit hysteric after the train ride!).
    All the students dread the moment when the current Bloody Pet of Hogwarts, Murderlin, will meet Draco Malfoy's dragon pet.
    They couldn't know that, under the spotted fur, there's the famed Merlin who has a bond with his former King, the King who happens to live under the red and gold scales...
  • The Pendragon twins and the Merlin twins
    Crossover between the “The princes of Camelot” and the “Merlin and his twin brother Emrys”
    Since Merlin has settled to live as two person, Magic decides to return Arthur split in two different person. One, the “knight” one will become the best mate of Emrys, the Dark Merlin: they together plot and do what must be done to protect their family, while their sexual life is feisty (Emrys much physical and dominant, while this Arthur has taken that homosexual side that Arthur had never got the chance to explore in his Camelot life). The other Arthur, the “king” is drawn to Merlin, the one the two thas has become depressed and submissive in the centuries. Their life is quite peaceful and their relationship asexual (this Arthur is inherited the heterosexual side of the original Arthur while and this Merlin is asexual): Merlin finds in the King a person who protects and gives him emotional stability, while the King is happy to have someone to protect and shield.

Harry Potter crossover
Merlin has no role in the founding of Hogwarts nor he takes a job at the school, but lives in the same (modern) world build by the Harry Potter series.
  • Aithusa de Bois
    Merlin, solitary men living in a cottage by the shores of Avalon, finds a dragon egg from which hatches an albino baby with dragon features (wings, scales) he feels as "Aithusa". He raises Aithusa as his daughter until she's ready to enter Hogwarts, with the company of her friend, Arrakis - a red and gold dragon under which scales lives Arthur Pendragon.
    When Arthur will finally reveal himself, and he will officially become Aithusa other father, he will have the chance to scare the Weasleys and - especially - Charlie, her boyfriend.
  • A Royal Patronus [ tag]
    With the Lake of Avalon drained and no hope to ever see Arthur rise again, Merlin decides to wipe his own memory and turn himself into a child with blurred memories about a mother he had lost and with only an old ring as possession. At his eleventh birthday, he receives a visit from Minerva McGranitt from the Hogwarts school and he discovers - to everyone's bafflement - that he's the owner of the vault number 1 at the Gringotts.
    During the years as student, he sees images from his previous live (both Camelot and the centuries after), but never hears names and he think it's his imagination.
    When it's time to learn to cast a Patronus, he finds himself with the only Patronus with the shape of a knight and that doesn't behave like any other. A Patronus who starts to stalk him.
    → This is a WIP although, unfortunately, I'm stuck at the second chapter. :(

Modern days with magic
Set in a modern world similar to ours, but where the existence of magic is not only known but accepted as part of everyday life. Merlin, the grumpy old man with long beard, is a living legend who mostly minds his own business, holed up in his small cottage on the shores of Avalon he shares with his nephew Gaius. Gaius de Bois, the handsome professor of Medieval History at Avalon University, is actually Merlin under the disguise of his 30-years-old self.
  • National Treasure ★ [ tag]
    Arthur's return is announced by Merlin on his Instagram account. People all over the UK go in a frenzy, all wishing to see pictures of the Once and Future King, who gets stalked like a celebrity.
    He is officially given a title as "National Treasure" by the Queen, he's given him funds and everything is made in order to restore the castle of Camelot, that will then be turned into a sovereign city-state within the United Kingdom, in which Arthur will be able to keep customs to his liking. Technology is banned in New Camelot, unless few rooms where people living at the castle can stay connected to the rest of the world.
    Cars not included. Arthur will get a driving license and then have Merlin buy him a Ferrari because he deserves a good stallion of metal for himself.
    Arthur's return will eventually lead to the return of Magic - that had been drained because of Merlin's grumpiness - and of the dragons.
  • The Battle of Tumblann ★ [ tag]
    The world has lost any traces of Merlin and Arthur Pendragon has been elevated to the rank of savior: his return is feverishly awaited, people camp on the shores of Avalon and soldiers station by the lake, while the Isle at the center of the waters is sealed to anyone so to not disturb the King's rest.
    Arthur emerges from the waters in front of an ecstatic public and his first act is fuck up Merlin's disguise, obviously.
    Arthur is both seen with Merlin and his nephew Gaius, and this fuels theories about his love life. Arthur doesn't help, when he decides to embrace technology... by getting himself a Twitter account and then a Tumblr one. And yes, things get nasty - for Merlin - by the time he gets his Tumblr account and discovers the world of the Social Justice Warriors who are ready to jump to take sides in the threesome of Merlin-Arthur-Gaius and ship wars break out.
    The Battle of Tumblann is the day Arthur killed Tumblr, the day Arthur Pendragon told the world there was no "Merlin's nephew". Glorious battle, if you ask Arthur.

Modern days without magic
The world is ours, magic has left the land and only Merlin, the only man who remembers that magic has ever existed, can use it. The name "Merlin" belongs to a man who is considered fictional, and he lives his current life as Gaius de Bois, using magic to make people forget or not notice that he actually doesn't die.
  • Professor de Bois and his token husband ★
    Merlin, as Gaius de Bois, is a professor of History at the local university and he's used to receive his students at his home for additional lessons; unfortunately for him, his newly-returned King embarrasses him every single time. The students start fangirling over the professor and his (a bit mentally impaired) token husband.
    The poor bored king tries to fill his time working as trainer for actors who need to prepare themselves to work in costume movies... and it soon ends up replacing the authors of the BBC's series about Merlin in development, making it all about himself.
  • Bounty Hunters reincarnation ★
    Centuries of loneliness has changed Merlin into a bitter man who cares for nothing and nobody but Arthur. Arthur has reincarnated into the Sherman brothers (his soul split in the two twins) and Merlin, once discovered Arthur lives in those posh twins, takes for himself the duty to protect the Shermans - even from the law. He's a ruthless bodyguard, ready to kill anyone who dares to threaten his king(s) and a possessive watchdog that shares the bed with the twins in a incestuous threesome.

Ideas that don't fit in a strict category.
  • Aithusa and Arthur, the wandering souls
    Arthur awakes in a forest with little recollection about his recent past besides a blurred memory of a sword slashing his side and the feeling he has to head East to return home. In his journey, he stumbles upon a scaled dragonling that will become his companion.
    → I'm currently writing this fanfiction.

++ fandom: bbc's merlin

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