Edit - Merlin AUs: The Pendragon Siblings (I-Ch01)

Jul 02, 2017 01:37

Title: Merlin AUs: Pendragon Siblings - Book I Chapter 01 (The Dragon’s Call)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (canon era) AU
AU: The Pendragon Siblings
Pairing: None (future pairs: Arthur/Merlin, Morgana/Morgause, Lancelot/Guinevere)
Characters: Guinevere, Morgana, Arthur Pendragon, Uther Pendragon.
Rating: G
Tagline: The Dragon's Call remix without Merlin.
Series: Merlin AUs
About the AU: AU in which Merlin never came to Camelot and it was up to Guinevere - and then the Lady Morgana - to protect the future King. Meanwhile, Destiny awaits for when the time is right for the male and the female coins of Albion to be complete, for the Immortal Dragonlord and the High Priestess are meant to join the Once and Future King and the Queen of Avalon on the high throne of Albion.
Notes: Although I’m not sure I will have the dedication necessary to ever complete it, I’m currently writing this (monster) series, that will consist of four books that will cover Arthur’s ascension to the throne of Camelot, his and Morgana’s life with their respective (same-sex) sides of the coin, Arthur’s demise and his eventual return (that will take place in the Harry Potter universe).
I’m hopeful that I will be able to at least cover all Season 1 (with the exception of the events that don’t happen because prompted by the very presence of Merlin - see The Poisoned Chalice - or that will be heavily shortened - see A Remedy to Cure All Ills), which will be following the canon minus-Merlin until the big canon divergence that will change everything.
Notes 2: I will post the graphic edit for each S1 chapter (or as long as I will feel like doing this) after I finished the respective chapter.
Notes 3: Given the nature of this series - especially this part, in which any chapter will have a start and an end (like in the show) - I’m considering the option to post it as my first-ever published WIP, but I need a Brit-pick beta willing to stand by my side during this long and bumpy journey. Is there someone up for the task?
Alternatively, can you pinpoint me to some place - if there’s one - where I can search for a beta reader?
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Chapter I
"In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young maid. Her name: Guinevere…"

Handmaiden to the Lady Morgana, the King’s ward, and daughter of Tom the blacksmith, Gwen is quite satisfied with her ordinary life. Unbeknown to her, destiny has different plans for her.
The events are put into motions by the execution of Thomas James Collins, a man accused of sorcery. Gwen, with the Lady Morgana, witnesses the apparition of his mother, Mary, who swears that she will get her revenge on Uther by taking the life of his only son so that he will suffer her same pain.
Distressed by the witch’s threat, the Lady Morgana insists Gwen stays at the castle for the following nights, during which Gwen hears an ominous voice calling her.
Celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the Great Purge are at their fullest and the court awaits in the banquet hall for the renowned singer Lady Helen to perform. Gwen is there as well, helping the other servants.
With the song flowing in the air, all the present fall asleep. Only the known voice, ringing in her mind, keeps Gwen from falling under the spell. In front of her bulging eyes, the enchantment ages the castle, cobwebs covering the sleeping people. Lady Helen, unstopped, reaches the center of the room and produces a dagger, her attention focused on the Prince.
Gwen immediately knows that Lady Helen is there to take Prince Arthur’s life and, with a simple jug, manages to stop the witch, who falls unconscious on the floor, and all the magic woven by her is broken: the people slowly awake and the Lady Helen’s true form is exposed and, to the shock off the court, the falling glamour reveals the face of Mary Collins, the mother of the young executed warlock.
After getting the deserved attention for her promptness, and the thanks from the King, Gwen decides it’s time to meet the owner of the voice that saved Camelot from the revenge of an angry mother.
It turns out that the voice belongs to a dragon, the Great Dragon imprisoned beneath the castle. The Dragon speaks about darker times awaiting the Prince and the kingdom and Gwen’s destiny to protect the Prince from any enemy that will endanger his life and foretold great fate. The Dragon expresses his desire to the see the Prince ascend to the throne and unite Albion.
At Gwen’s objections, the dragon reassures the girl that she will be important for the future of Albion, but he also insists that she will have to keep the secret of their meeting until the time will be right for everything to be revealed.
Gwen, unwillingly, agrees to keep the secret for the time being.

char merlin: guinevere, series: merlin aus, ++ fandom: bbc's merlin, au: the pendragon siblings, char merlin: morgana, char merlin: arthur pendragon, relat merlin: arthur/merlin, + edits

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