Edit - Merlin AUs: The Royal Eagle (Dark Edition)

May 07, 2017 23:38

Title: (Hakka & Dragoneyes’s) Merlin AUs: The Royal Eagle (Dark Edition)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon) AU / Harry Potter
AU: The Royal Eagle
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Merlin.
Rating: G
Tagline: Harry Potter (Trio-era AU) crossover Return AU in which Merlin, set on his goal to force his King’s return with every mean, ends up getting Arthur back. Covered in too many feathers and provided with eight deadly talons and a pair of massive wings.
Series: Merlin AUs, the Royal Eagle
Notes: Isn't it wonderful when you come up with AUs for your AUs?
Notes 2: A one-shot about this on the works. Wish me good luck.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

About the AU
Tired of waiting for Arthur to wake from his now thousand-years-long beauty sleep on the Isle of the Blessed, Merlin - cranky (and creepy) young professor of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts for ten months and cynic misanthropic who lives secluded in his house on the shores of Avalon for the rest of the year - decides to actively search for a way to get his King back. He is ready to do anything and his obsession brings him to study and delve into dark magic.
As child of magic, and the most powerful sorcerer to ever live, he can influence magic as much as magic influences him so, to avoid that he further falls into darkness, it is decided by the forces behind Magic that something must be done. The only way to stop him from becoming the new Dark Lord compared to whom Voldemort would be just a child playing with a wand, is to give him his King back.
Arthur is awakened before his time is come. In a magical community where it's foretold that he will rise again to rule on the British wizarding world as its only true king, Arthur is returned under a disguise that will assure nobody but Merlin will recognize him.
A massive golden eagle, with blue eyes and a ring shaped like the last King of Camelot’s crown on his left leg, comes out of the placid lake annoyed with both the whole world and the one beyond that spitted it out without even asking.
After days spent running after a bloody self-entitled eagle that had come out of nowhere to claim his house as its own, putting its hooked beak everywhere and destroying his peace all the while mocking him with its pretending to be the Once and Future King, Merlin gets the impression he’s dealing with a human under animal disguise and, with the help of a talking board, he questions the bird who, quite pragmatic, insults and gives him orders instead. Proving that the bloody self-entitled eagle is indeed the Once and Future King, much to Merlin’s elation.
Merlin replaces the small crown, that apparently bothers Arthur no end, with one of the former prince’s old circlets, so that the bird can be recognized as belonging to someone, and then returns to Hogwarts to start the new year as Gaius de Bois, substitute professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts for the second time in a row, bringing the Royal Eagle with him.

char merlin: merlin, au: the royal eagle, series: merlin aus, ++ fandom: harry potter, au: merlin in hogwarts, ++ fandom: bbc's merlin, char merlin: arthur pendragon, relat merlin: arthur/merlin, + edits

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