Edit - Star Trek AUs: 6.0, Lady Gaila's dancers

Nov 20, 2016 22:26

Title: (Hakka & Dragoneyes's) Star Trek AUs: 6.0, Lady Gaila's dancers
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (original timeline)
Timeline: Lady Gaila's dancers (6.0)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Characters: James Kirk, Spock
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Original AU in which Kirk and Spock (respectively, Jeremy Hudson as James Kirk and Mark Kanemura as Spock) are dancers for the Orion performer Lady Gaila.
Series: Star Trek AUs
Notes: There was a time when we were obsessed over Mark Kanemura and Jeremy Hudson (Hakka needs only to rewatch a video of them go get obsessed again, but that's another story).
While drooling on Lady Gaga's video performing live with her dancers, we decided these two were an alternative version of our own Jim and Spock.
Notes 2: Yes, this is pure crack. We're aware of it. We're not sorry.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Orion-ize Lady Gaga was fun. Vulcan-ize Mark Kanemura was easy as pie. Survive Jeremy Hudson's sexy faces while sorting through pics of him was... hard. No pun intended.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

About the AU
Lady Gaila is an Orion who managed to get citizenship in the Federation and established herself as a successful woman in the music system. She is known for surrounding herself with dancers who aren't strictly heterosexual or non-binary.
Lady Gaila is an alpha woman and the dancers are her adoptive children and her pack: she's at the top of their little hierarchy, which works in reverse proportion to one's heterosexuality. Which means Spock - who is gayer than gay (like our mirror-reboot!Spock) is at the top, second only to alpha Gaila herself, while Jim (who is a bit too cis and pan but leaning too much on hetero for her liking) is at the very bottom.
On the outside, James and Spock are the worst romantic pair ever, with Jim too convincing in his hetero act and Spock not shy of his "more feminine" side. But (like with the Mirror Reboot Spirk they're loosely inspired from) actually Spock's the top in - and out - the sheets and James likes to be his little sub.
Lady Gaila's very fond of her two lovebirds and they're their favorites, which means they're officially her leading dancers and they get much spotlight in her shows, including kissing and rutting against each other (with her in a sandwich, at times).

series: star trek aus, ++ fandom: star trek, 6.0 (gaila dancers), relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, + edits

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