Edit - Star Trek AUs: 3.0, matriarchy society

Nov 18, 2016 20:41

Title: (Hakka & Dragoneyes's) Star Trek AUs: 3.0, matriarchy society
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (original timeline, TOS-ish)
Timeline: Matriarchy society (3.0)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Characters: James Kirk, Spock
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Original AU in which Earth is the same but the roles of men and women (like the gender of the characters) are switched, and the power was always in the hands of the latter. Key positions in Starfleet are therefore covered by females.
Series: Star Trek AUs
Notes: Our third main universe, completely unrelated to the two canon ones (a different timeline).
In here not only all the characters have born with the opposite sex of their canon counterparts, but the universe is ruled by matriarchy, instead of patriarchy.
Loosely influenced by an alternative timeline of The Authority comic book.
Notes 2: Respectively, Angelina Jolie as Jean Kirk and Catherine Bell as T'Pock.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

About the AU
Since the beginning of time, the ones who had the gift of give life have wielded power. Their more close instinctual connection to concepts like family and bonds give women the will to drastically change the development of Earth - and universe - from the other timelines in which the emotional and hormonal rages of men drove the humanity from war to war.
With longer peace comes more enlightenment and humanity thrives, technology developed not to conquer but to discover. Everyone is accepted, without distinction of race, body appearance or gender although the prejudice that wants women more apt to hold positions of powers is hard to dismantle, and this means that Starfleet is female-centric and male captains are rare. Truth be told, Earth isn't much different than the ones where males ruled - same issues, same injustices.
The flagship is in the care of Captain Jean Kirk who, with the help of the loyal half-Vulcan First Officer T'Pock, travels the quadrant to discover new life forms and new civilizations.
During their five-years mission, Jean and T'Pock discover their mutual attraction and they become mates.
They will have a happy and fulfilling life both professionally and personally. They will have a family together and T'Pock will be a caring mate while Jean will be full of her child.

series: star trek aus, ++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, + edits, 3.0 (female)

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