Edit - Star Trek AUs: 7.5, Spock twins

Nov 13, 2016 23:47

Title: (Hakka & Dragoneyes's) Star Trek AUs: 7.5, Spock twins
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: The Spock Twins (7.5)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Characters: James Kirk, Spock
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Mirror Reboot AU in which everything is the same, except that S'chn T'gai Spock is actually two twins.
Series: Star Trek AUs
Notes: Since this is an AU of our Mirror Reboot, it should be specified that the Surak of this timeline was a very different person and taught the Vulcans that they would enlighten themselves if they started following a strict hierarchy in which there are dominant (abrukhausu) and submissive (nepik). This simple hierarchy, both in society and between mates, eases their lives and allows them to find peace. Nonetheless to say that Jim, being human, doesn't really adhere to the concept of calm nepik who needs to be protected and cherished.
Notes 2: This AU is the mirror version of the Kirk Twins AU.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Both Jim and the twins uniforms come from two different WIP manips of mine. Will I ever finish them?
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

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About the AU
Amanda Grayson gives her husband and mate, the warrior clan leader S'chn T'gai Sarek, not one but two healthy cubs. Spock and Selek are semi-monozygotic twins who, after a mind meld done by no other than the clan matriarch T'Pau, are officially recognized as one person, a half of a katra that has been split in two parts. A half that is waiting for the other half. A search that will condition all the twins' life.
They have a happy childhood, despite their "condition" of half-humans brings on them the hatred of other young Vulcans - especially when they show aptitude in the mind control and develop their skills quicker than full Vulcans of the same age.
After following the path of warriors, consisting of training in the desert camps until the mature age, they decide to leave a career already written for them in order to search for their t'hy'la off planet, to answer a call that seems to come from far away and follow the clues that their t'hy'la's katra leaves behind like crumbs.
They enlist in Starfleet and they each reach the rank of Commander, before they are personally picked by Captain Pike to serve under him on the brand-new ISS Enterprise. Spock has followed Command, wholly embracing their being born to be abrukhausu, to command others, while Selek has instead chosen to be a warrior, picking Security. As First Officer and Security Chief, they prove to be reliable officers for the captain but, when Pike is asked to accept a promotion to Admiral, he doesn't suggest a promotion for Spock, preferring instead a newbie just fresh of the Academy.
Jim Kirk is a nuisance, and the twins don't understand him, can't understand how he ticks, how his mind works, why he acts like he does, but the human eventually proves to be a worthy man to follow.
With James's flaws slowly overshadowed by his qualities, both Vulcans find themselves intrigued by this unique specimen of Earth. Jim himself flirts with the both of them in what he considers just an innocent act, unaware that, with his behavior, he stirs a conflict between the twins, both eager to claim the human who will surely not be interested in having two mates (as humans don't consider threesomes as legitimate romantic avenues).
Jim remains blissfully unaware to what happens behind his back until one day stumbles upon the two, who are engaged in an honorable fight with the chance to court Jim as the stakes, and - in his very simple way of thinking - draws on himself all the ill-fortune of the universe by suggesting, in a rather saucy way, that "he can handle them both".
And, oh boy, he does, he can, but two warriors Vulcans barely out of teen-hood, full of stamina, prove to be a challenge even for James "Tomcat" Kirk. Both his personal and sexual life get turned upside down when he discovers that abrukhausu don't really bottom and he is supposed to be their nepik, their submissive. For them both. James Kirk is no submissive, he's used to be on his own, he's this wild animal that might sniff at your hand but you can't hope to tame or cage. He's the le-matya to the twins' inner wolves and, like wolves, they manage to corner even the Vulcan king of desert.
Jim might be insufferable at times, and he has claws and he hisses, but Spock and Selek manage to win his loyalty, like the Ancient Vulcans did with le-matya, and there is no animal more trustworthy than a le-matya who chooses you. Jim provides challenges, every day Spock and Selek know that they can't rest, that Jim is high-maintenance and that you can't let the leash go, not even for a moment. And he's a wild cat in bed, and he satisfies the twins' every desire, including letting himself be claimed by them both at the same time.
An abrukhausu might dream to find a meek nepik, one to cherish and pamper, but Spock and Selek would never want a different one than their own wild le-matya.

series: star trek aus, ++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, 7.5 (spock twins), char trek: spock, + edits

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