Manip - Starfleet Magazine, January 2260

May 22, 2016 21:50

Title: Starfleet Magazine, January 2260
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Characters: James Kirk
Rating: G
Tagline: Starfleet Magazine, January 2260 special issue for the USS Enterprise.
Series: Magazine covers
About the manip: This issue from Starfleet's official magazine would come out in the days of the Enterprise re-christening ceremony. It would be completely dedicated to both the USS Enterprise, that can finally soar the space again, and her captain, who is now fully recovered and ready to take her out.
Many pages would be dedicated to Jim who, in a long interview, shares something about his otherwise never discussed past, talks about his feelings for Pike as mentor and father figure after almost an year since Pike's death, what meant for him see for the first time the Enterprise battered after the heavy damage she took during the Battle of Earth (see, Into Darkness events), he would shake off some discomfort to talk openly about his long recovery (the fact he "resurrected" is the senior crew big secret: Starfleet and the public know that he received life-threatening damage from his actions to save the Enterprise from falling on Earth) because he really feels PTDS and rehab should be talked more. He would then tiptoe around the damage the previous Starfleet leadership has made (I'm sure he doesn't like politics but he gets asked to comment) and then switches to speak with affection about his senior crew, about how they've become a tight group and that they were everyday at the hospital to bug and poke him, about how much they've become over-protective and he loves them for this very reason.
There would be also a special first look at the re-fitted ship, with some pics of the interiors, the new warp core etc, some brief interview/profile on the senior crew, an article about Pike, an analysis on the upcoming five-years mission the Enterprise is about to embark on.
Notes: It would be cool to make up the whole interview (graphically speaking), but I can't come up with the interviewer's question. I also should need to be very, very inspired to write the answers, so the cover is what you get.
Notes 2: Inspired by Lemonison's tags on this post (reblogged here). Thank you for the idea!
Notes 3: Just saying, the psd file for this one was created in August 2015 and I finished it more than one month ago.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): If you're fan of Pine, you probably remember the original pic and so you may notice what I've done to it. If you don't... well, I changed that paper-dishes-thing Enterprise the Pie holds with a true replica (the awesome QMX replica, I'd kill to own one!) and changed the city background to San Francisco 2259 as we see it in Into Darkness.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (600 x 825)

2.0 (reboot), series: magazine covers, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk

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