Edit - Diabolik

May 17, 2016 17:27

Title: Characters edits: Diabolik
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Diabolik
Characters: Diabolik
Rating: G
Series: Characters edits
Caption: The King of Terror, his eyes cold as steel are legendary. A ruthless thief who stops at nothing to get what he wants. Trained in many martial skills, a master in throwing daggers, driving a Jaguar E-Type full of tricks, he terrorize Clerville and rich people. His special masks allow him to change appearance and he's able to successfully impersonate everyone, as long as they have similar body built.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

++ fandom: diabolik, + edits

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