Manip - Everything but my phaser...

Aug 23, 2015 23:05

Title: Everything but my phaser...
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Characters: James Kirk
Rating: PG-13
About the manip: I'd like to hear ideas or headcanons on why Jim managed to end up doing this photo and who made him. My opinion is that he's probably been talked into by Uhura and they're in shoreleave and being tipsy dorks who shouldn't be allowed near a camera after the second shot of alcohol. I'm a Spirk girl but you're free to imagine this sexy pic be forwarded (tweeted) by Uhura to your-favorite-Jim's-partner. Or not-yet-partner, and pretend instead this is a teaser from Uhura and Jim doesn't know the photo has been shared. :D could always picture Captain Kirk be very (un)professional and do a Playgirl exclusive photoshoot, with the Admirals pretending to not know, faking anger but in truth be the first to get their copy to droll on their golden boy.
[Now, this makes me want to do another couple with two/three other captains from my headcanon and make it like a Starfleet Approved photoshoot. I'll see, if I manage. If I don't die before.]
Notes: This is started from this post on Tumblr.
Notes 2: Trek Beyond holster makes a cross on the back of the thigh and its clearly attached to the belt. Let's suspend belief and pretend my take is the same?
Notes 3: In Italian the brand Breil had a tagline for their campaign that was perfect for this manip: "Toglietemi tutto ma non il mio Breil" which means "deprive me of everything but not my Breil" where "deprive me" meant clothes, among other things, as long as you didn't try to take the watch away from her. Now, in this case it would've been "phaser" instead of the watch.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Would you believe me if I said this is one of the first pics I saved when I was starting to collect images for manips? I always wanted to use it so high five to me.
Timeline of this: I wanted Jim to be standing, but I had no image with a guy standing without him showing all his bits and I didn't want a explicit nude for this prompt. Google images wasn't helpful.
First attempt was with a model in underwear. I already had a HQ phaser in holster cut out ready to be used and perfect for a in-front perspective but the holster was very dark and didn't fit on the pic.
The guy wearing very low briefs and doing a lazy salute? Yeah, it would totally be Jim, if the briefs weren't featuring the US Flag. (I really want to try Jim on this anyway).
Second attempt was a guy on his knees, sitting on his feet, legs spread. The pic's gorgeous, but the perspective makes it hard to fit the holster; I did have a Lara Croft cosplayer in a similar position but little about the holster would've been visible, hence invalidating the purpose of the whole manip. So it was scrapped it as well.
Third attempt was that gorgeous model in boxer briefs and open jacket. Again, the phaser in holster I had was too dark for this.
So, it came to the last option available. I so love this pose (you can't see it, but the guy has a gorgeous booty, BTW) and I luckily found an holster that fit this particular position. You don't wanna know to whom both holster and belt belonged. No, really, you don't want (hint, a kickass spy from MCU).
Phaser is the QMX 2009 replica in its holster.
Pine isn't as sexy as I wished him to be (the model looks to the camera) but originally I wanted this to be a quickie, so spend 1h on Chris Pine Network go over the galleries once again was out of question, so I've drawn from the Pine stock I keep.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (960 x 638)

2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk

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