Manips: Vulcans might be very good in apply nail polish

Aug 13, 2015 23:24

Title: Vulcans might be very good in apply nail polish
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (TOS)
Pairing: Sarek/Amanda
Characters: Sarek, Amanda Grayson
Rating: G
Tagline: "Nail polish has no use, but it's an endearing view on you nonetheless, ashayam."
Notes: Sarek is all "are you sure you need to have your nails coated with polish, ashayam?" and Amanda is like "oh shush you little one be a good mate and get done with the job wanna?".
Oh my god, this is a crack manip. I'm so ashamed of myself. Poor them: in my mind they are just this pure couple that I don't want to touch... and the first (only) time I do this... is for some crack?
I beg your pardon, Sarek/Amanda fandom.
[[ For Petimetrek on Tumblr. ]]
Notes 2: Ok. Hmm. Why, you'd ask? When I was searching for some pics for the Uhura/Jim manips, I stumbled upon this pic from the 1962 Kubrick movie. It wasn't in any way usable for Jim and Nyota, but it just, you know, screamed Sarek/Amanda (60's and generally vintage-style fits them, in my mind). So, yeah, I saved it in case I wanted to scratch this hitch - so to speak. And here it is.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): It took me - surprisingly - little time to do this, a pic of young Jane Wyatt fitted Sue Lyon's body quite well, both in position and light/shadow balance: it literally took me five minutes to clean the original and finish Amanda.
Sarek was another story, and it shows: James Mason's face was very highlighted, but Sarek's in the TOS scene had shadow/lights levels more strong so I couldn't really replicate Mason's lights on Mark Lenard's face: it just stood out too much. So, while I'm quite proud of how Amanda turned out, I can't say the same for Sarek.
I also lost an awful amount of time trying to find a signature style that wouldn't be too intrusive (I like my signatures to blend in): failed, yes, but there was no other way I guess. And, all the while, lost 1+ hours with a PS crash out of nowhere while trying out fonts, but just the latest touches - bless my luck.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1200 x 820)

char trek: sarek, relat trek: sarek/amanda, 1.0 (tos), char trek: amanda grayson

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