Manip - Beauty sleep cut short

Jun 25, 2015 23:53

Title: Beauty sleep cut short
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock (implied)
Characters: James Kirk
Rating: G
Tagline: How Jim looks first thing in the morning.
Series: First in this bathrobe miniseries. Second here.
Notes: Sooo. Jim Kirk isn't a morning person. He wakes up moody and with bedhair. He totally hates it that Spock leaves the bed and in two minutes is as pristine as he is on the bridge. By the time he manages to connect his brain enough to drag himself under the shower and then reemerge from the bathroom to take the coffee mug Spock fondly prepares for him, Spock is already dressed and his terminal turned on.
Notes 2: These are how I imagine the reboot quarters look like. Yes, Jim steals Spock's standard bathrobe. Every single morning. He just doesn't have his - or, if he has, he's long since shipped it home as gift for someone; plus, he likes to wear Spock's things. It's not that Spock really needs it, anyway: the guy takes only sonic showers!
The mug is probably a gift from someone of the senior crew - meant more to annoy Spock than please Jim. Whatever. :D
Title courtesy of aleniakalain since I couldn't find any that I liked.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): What I haven't changed about this?
Quarters. I was considering leaving the original colors (green, as you may see in the credits) but, upon searching for "Spock's quarters" for the companion manip, I stumbled upon a cap from the videogame: in there the quarters are shown to have much grey, so I changed the green into grey. Also, in the original image there was a window: I decided to morph it into a screen where Jim can always have close to hand every data he might need, including the ships status. I would've liked to keep the left side of the room, which holds a library (my personal headcanon is that Jim reboot is as much as a lover of antiques, paper book included, as his other self), but I couldn't (the bathrobe pic was cut on the left).
Bathrobe: I changed the colors of the braids and the command insignia into science but I didn't bother with (trying to) fix the braid into the stripes of the reboot. It just wasn't worth the time.
Mug: Erased what it said in the original pic and replaced with the Kobayashi Maru.
I also had to remove the shirt (why in the hell sites show bathrobe worn over a t-shirt???) and find a decent pic that would allow me to make Jim naked under the thing.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.


2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, series: bathrobe, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk

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