Manip - Knight Rider (2008)/Star Trek: Jim and SPOCK 2.0

Jun 01, 2015 02:09

Title: Knight Rider (2008)/Star Trek: Jim and SPOCK 2.0
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot) / Knight Rider (2008)
Timeline: AOS Knight Rider AU
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Characters: James Kirk, Spock
Rating: G
Tagline: Star Trek/Knight Rider (2008) AU. James Kirk and Spock in the Knight Rider world.
Series: Second in the Knight Rider AU.
Notes: Knight Rider 2008 was an attempt to remake the original Knight Rider tv show who run in the 80's. Instead of doing a reboot (like with Hawaii 5-0, or Miami Vice and A-Team), they decided to make it a sequel, set twenty and more years after the events of the original series. The main character here is Mike, Michael's son, and he ends up driving the new KITT as his father did with the original one.
This KITT and Mike have a different kind of relationship than Michael had with his own KITT: KITT still has to learn what it means to me a supercomputer who can develop something similar to emotions, he is trying to understand what friendship is, and he starts build one with Mike - to the point that, when they all resigned to the fact KITT is about to blow up, KITT states that his dearest memories (memories he shouldn't need or want to keep) are the ones he has with Mike. The two were still developing trust into each other and get that epic friendship, when the show was cancelled.
More on the reasons why I clearly see the two series as a TOS and Reboot Star Trek AU, is that cars and tech in the Knight Rider 2008 show reflects the idea of futuristic-achieavable tech we have now. If you compare the shows, you see that the 1982 one had the kind of tech you see in many sci-fi shows of that time (compare computers to Star Trek TNG) while this one has the kind of tech we see in nowadays shows and movies (Iron Man trilogy kind). If you watch it with a Star Trek eye, you might notice the kind of differences you can see between TOS and the reboot movies. Mike, unlike his predecessor (and father) Michael, is brash and has a difficult past. He also does dangerous stunts Michael didn't, not much unlike TOS!Jim compared to Reboot!Jim (Mike dies for some minutes... *coff Into Darkness coff*).
Believe me, give this show a chance and watch it with a Star Trek goggles pair on: you will agree with my AUs. XD
Notes 2: If you didn't know, KITT has a red light scanner on his nose: I obviously changed it to blue to reflect Spock's division. KITT also had a cobra snake plate (like the original Shelby GT500KR): I changed it and used Starfleet's science division badge.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

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++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, series: knight rider au, char trek: spock, 2.0 (reboot), + manips, ++ fandom: knight rider (2008), char trek: james t. kirk, 0.0 (au)

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