Manip - The Human captain and his Vulcan warrior

Aug 11, 2014 09:14

Title: The Human captain and his Vulcan warrior
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Characters: James Kirk, Spock
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Jim and Spock ready for a mission planetside.
About the manip: Jim might've forgotten a piece of his uniform - or the same piece might've met its fate. Knowing Spock, I doubt Jim have been allowed to step on the transporter this naked. Fine, the collar is for everyone to see, but Spock doesn't really like it when his mate can be ogled. :D
Info from the universe: Despite admitting the usefulness of phasers and the like, Spock - as most of the Vulcans - favors less futuristic weapons so, when the mission allows it, Spock packs his loyal lirpa on his back and relies on the knife - the knife that has been given to him when graduated from the training camp as warrior - in his right holster.
Jim, on the other hand, is more businesslike: phasers are more quick and efficient and they do their job. He might also not be so trained like Vulcans so he sticks to technology - though he brings a knife as well in the holster on his back, just to be sure (and perhaps because Spock has not so gently ordered him to).
Info from the universe 2: Little note about Jim's tattooes. On left side there's "Enterprise": he and Scotty got the tattoo together. On the left arm, inside: a quote (we never got to find the right one so for now is "unknown author quote"). Left shoulder: a dragon. Left pec: "Property of S’chn T’gai Spock" in ancient Vulcan. When Vulcans still had slaves, they marked their slaves like this; by now it's just a forgotten custom, but Jim decided to have it as gift to his hubby.
He has others on his back and a snake riding his right leg. ;)
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): If my PC hasn't killed himself during working on this manip, I guess I can be sure it'll survive still many more years - hope so, at leas. The original file was 3800px in width and was 130mb heavy: it wouldn't be much, for an average PC, but mine is an old mule running on Windows 2000 and with a meager 256kb of RAM, so you may see how hard on resources has been this manip. I also have less than 3gb free on my disk, and the Photoshop temporary files ended up filling ALL the free space at one point. Oh well, both I and the PC have survived. :D
About the manip itself: I stumbled upon an awesome promo shot from tv-show Arrow last year (last modified date on the image says 12th June 2013) and decided that it could be a good base for a mirror!Kirk manip. Searching for an HQ version of it I found another that was perfect for Spock so I saved them to be used sooner or later. Did I say that they were very, very HQ? It usually takes me lot of time to find stocks/images that fit what I have in my mind, but when you're working with a base so big, the task is double hard. Take the lirpa: I decided to add it because I didn't want to hassle myself in removing that harness Spock's base wears (originally is to hold the bow), but I didn't have any decent image, especially as much big as the base asked. I ended up making one from scratch using a mezzaluna knife as blade. When I'm searching for some embossed decoration to add to the blade (and after searching for half an hour uselessly)... I find a good decorated-blade axe. Duh!
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr. Also at kirkspock ( post here).

Click to see fullsize (2000 x 1579)


++ fandom: star trek, + manips, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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