Manip - Cosplaying Hubbies, I

Oct 16, 2012 12:52

Title: Cosplaying Hubbies I: Apollo & Midnighter
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Authority, Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Pairing: Apollo/Midnighter, Kirk/Spock
Characters: Jim as Apollo, Spock as Midnighter
Rating: G
Tagline: What happens when a certain captain of a certain starship talks his bondmate into cosplaying... Part I
Series: This started as a series with Spock and Kirk cosplaying, a series that will eventually will pair with the one-shots series I'm writing (Apollo and Middy is already done). Well, it'll be a series If I can find the bases and costumes for certain characters.
About the manip: This manip is part of the Reboot Mirrorverse me and aleniakalain are slowly writing together.
Jim somehow managed to drag Spock to one of those nice comic conventions where all kind of geeks dress like their favorite characters. Nonetheless to say that Jim is one of them and, for a sneaky bastard captain like him, is a piece of cake to talk his favorite mate Vulcan into please him. Spock agrees only for characters who are canon couples or have strong slash fandom and potential.
So, here's our favorite commanding duo as Apollo and Midnighter, the comic book world’s first gay couple way before Northstar's marriage or Green Arrow homosexuality made it to the news media. If you don't know the characters, you MUST try Authority (from the defunct Wildstorm) because not only these two are a couple, but they're definitely sweet, definitely bad ass (no your usual stereotypical gay characters) and definitely territorial-protective over each other. They last through five volumes through things that would've broken apart most of the hetero couples (they do break once, but... there's a trick in volume 3). Oh, and they adopt and raise a kickassing daughter. :D
Alongside with other two former Authority members, they returned in the New 52 Relaunch from DC, where Wildstorm universe and DC have been rebooted and merged. Apollo and Middy are featured in Stormwatch now and their relationship is starting to develop.
Notes 2: Though it's a Jim/Spock manip, it can be enjoyed by Authority's fans to. Doesn't Chris Pine rock for the role? :D
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

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++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, char the authority: midnighter, series: cosplaying hubbies, char trek: spock, char the authority: apollo, ++ fandom: the authority, + manips, relat the authority: apollo/midnighter, char trek: james t. kirk, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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