Welcome, welcome, one and all to the Power Rangers Trope Bingo Sign-Up page!
Please reference the rules
here, and the tropes
here before signing up.
You may request/veto up to five tropes from the master trope list, split any way you like. For example, you can request five and veto none, or request three and veto two, etc.
Each card will contain 24 tropes and one wild card in the center.
Leave a comment on this post and I will reply with the HTML for your card. Feel free to
contact the mods with any questions you may have.
Trope Ten
There is also an option to play along called "Trope Ten" that doesn't require a card. Simply create your fanworks using the
master trope list, and when you hit ten tropes,
inform an admin. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!