Title: A New Addition Author: Arytra Relationship: Ronny/Rose Rating: PG Warning: Takes place after the series. Rose and Ronny live in London so that Rose can continue to teach there. List of 22: Animals
I have to confess that I've only watched about three episodes of OO, but I love femslash so...yay? Anyway, I know nothing about whether or not they're in character but I like the way you've written them both. Especially Rose - the way she was so reluctant to get a pet and then fussed over it reminds me very much of someone I know! It was very sweet :).
Comments 5
Yeah, for some reason ferrets never fail to crack me up. I'm strange. This however is made of the cuteness that is puppies and kittens. Literally! ^_^
Yay! Cuteness of kitties and puppies! Thank you!
Hee, Hee. Now I want to see Will in a furry little suit.
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