Title: My Obession is You Author: Angel Mouse Relationship: Bridge/Sky Rating: PG Warning: Angst, lots of it Theme: public dining, obession, loosing control
Ah, the background story to your other Sky-fic from a few weeks ago (I'm sorry, I don't remember the title). Now we know why he's so adamant on getting his hands on that alien! Great explanation and a very believable background. I feel bad for Bridge, though. First, he still can't be with Sky the way he wants to be, then he gets hurt bad, and on top of that doesn't have any luck with deterring Sky to go off on his 'revenge' mission. Great job so far. Can't wait to see how this continues. I'm a sucker for h/c fics, as you know...;) Hugs!!
I'm glad you liked it. That little fic I sent you the other fic worked it's way into it, I ended it up splitting it up and this fic is actually composed of four attempts to write this one and bits of the other one... yeah I know.. what can I say, major case of writers block...
I hope to have some more done over the next coming week or so, only a few more themes to go...
Comments 4
Great job so far. Can't wait to see how this continues. I'm a sucker for h/c fics, as you know...;)
I hope to have some more done over the next coming week or so, only a few more themes to go...
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