Title: Two Sides of Midnight VI - "Blood and Fire"
Author: Hagar
Relationship: Shane/Hunter
Rating: PG-13
Two Sides of Midnight, VI List of 22: fire
A/N: I know i've been gone for ages. Blame this on wrapping up a B.Sc. (still doing that, in fact), and being called to a war for a month and a week.
Comments 4
Something's wrong with FF.net(what else is new?)and it's not showing the review I left there.
I am absolutely loving the fire images, especially the visual of Shane's lips outlined on Hunter's forehead and later on the fire snaking around their wrists when they hold hands! Beautiful. Why do I have the feeling that there is more to come about that? (Maybe because I'm *hoping* there is...)
Great job!
Greetings from Dany
Actually, the fire image wasn't planned to play again: there's only one more chapter left to this story, and it has its own theme.
As for war... I was far from the front, but HQ has its own stresses.
Cheers & See You Around,
I really loved the mood and visuals in this chapter. You set an entire scene - the beach at night, the sounds of the ocean, Shane following Hunter into the cliffs - with only a few sentences. Very effective.
And then the emotions - nice and inventive use of the gift Shane got from Skyla, and again great imagery of fire as symbolic of strong emotion. The confrontation here was intense and very involving. Great work!
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