Title: Today
Author: Starhawk
Relationship: Hunter/Cam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Not so much.
Author's Note: Part of an ongoing series in which Lothor turns Cam into a wolf. The transformation doesn't totally stick, and Hunter winds up with a crush on a shapeshifter. There are six stories before this one,
found here, if you want some backstory.
Just think how many laws don't apply to you right now. )
Comments 6
The power play between these two is fascinating, also because it seems to even up - keeping the view we got on Cam's state in "Trust", it seems that he and Hunter are pretty much in the same emotional "place", and are equally incapable of communicating what they're trying to say.
Oh, and I think you rounded up good the dominance issue. It had to be dealt with, and this works.
Keep it up coz it rocks :- )
What an interesting concept, and one that fits well with show canon since we had Sensei turned into a guinea pig. Turning controlled, intellectual, superior Cam into a wolf and imposing primitive instincts and desires on him is brilliant.
This chapter strikes me as being about honesty and dishonesty. Both Cam and Hunter are struggling with their own feelings, not wanting to admit anything that might make them vulnerable to rejection, saying more than they intended and regretting it. It comes out, but slowly and painfully.
Strangely, I'd like to see Lothor in this, gloating over what he's done to his nephew.
I also liked how both Cam and Hunter are trying to tell each other how they feel, but that they're not quite connecting.
It's one of my favorite things about your writing, there are no neat cliched and stereotypical tie ups and declarations of love. It's very real, very in character and very engaging writing. I can't wait to see what you write next.
When Cam mentioned that he was trying to show Hunter how he feels while being a wolf makes me think of how some people create alter ego/personalities to cope with issues where their normal everyday personalities can't handle. And I think this whole wolf thing may be just the thing to help him although I think he would prefer to be human again.
Great story.
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