Title: What is Love?
Focus: ShiWon, HanKyung
Word Count: 244
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: profanity, smut references
Notes: This was written for my
SuJu Pairings Challenge. Prompt provided by
reita. Only 57 pairings left to go!
How do you know...when you've fallen in love?
That was the question that plagued ShiWon's mind late at night while he sat up, trying to study his script, but found he got nowhere due to his forever wandering thoughts. He'd asked a couple of his friends before, but the answers were always different.
You know you're in love when...your heart burns for that person you love. It's always wanting more from them, and wanting to give them back so much more than even that.
Like when I'm fucking you against the elevator doors and you're screaming for more?
YoungOon and HeeChul weren't the ones to ask such serious questions. They always reduced such discussion to some kind of a joke when together. Theirs was indeed a passionate, tumbly, fly-away kind of love.
It's a gentle thing. Like holding someone's hand and being content with just that, because something that simple is all you could want.
Of course RyeoWook would answer that way. Unless anyone paid close attention, no one would be able to tell that he and JungSu were involved. Theirs was a quiet kind of love.
But he and HanKyung were neither passionate nor quiet. They just...were.
Mm...What time is it?
ShiWon turned around and leaned over to lay a soft kiss to the top of HanKyung's head, then pinned the other to the bed playfully, eliciting a sleepy laugh from the other.
Bedtime. Go back to sleep.
Only if you come with.
Maybe there wasn't a way to define love. Maybe it just was.