On the Buffy remake. And creating/sustaining an evolving mythology.

May 27, 2009 18:56

In case you haven't heard, there's been talk of a Buffy reboot in the form of a movie franchise that's going to keep the core idea of the 1992 movie, and go with that premise but reimagine it. As suspected, fandom is not happy ( Read more... )

pop culture, mythology, buffy, joss whedon, fandom, meta

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Comments 22

jtav May 28 2009, 00:05:21 UTC
This is actually the first I've heard of it, and I'm kind of meh. See, I'm just the opposite of you. I was indifferent to the mythic/feminist aspects, but I loved the characters. So, the fact that there's not going to be a Giles or Anya or Wes makes me sad. They could do something amazing but I'm not buying my ticket just yet.


prozacpark May 28 2009, 00:09:27 UTC
Yeah, I think I mostly fail to connect with the Buffy fandom in general despite my great love for it because I just don't care for most of the characters. I mean, I loved Cordelia and Faith and a lot of the characters on Angel. But the core cast of Buffy mostly didn't intrigue me as characters.


outtheairlock May 28 2009, 00:16:27 UTC
I didn't know there were any plans for a Buffy remake/reboot. As of right this moment, I'm not excited because it isn't officially going to happen as far as I know. When it is official, I'll be the first person to throw confetti. As a fan I have nothing to lose and everything to gain with a Buffy remake. If it's good, then hurray! I'll have a shiny new Buffyverse to squee over. If it sucks ass, then meh. I'll just go back to watching old episodes of Buffy at home.

Oh, and for the "So, too soon for a reboot?" question I answered "I can't decide" because that was the closest that the list came to my response. My real answer: Who gives a shit? The old Buffy television series is dead, and will not be any more or less dead as the result of a remake.


prozacpark May 28 2009, 00:21:21 UTC
Yes, that. This is, incidentally, exactly how I feel about all the X-men fans bitching about Evolution. ;)

Like, I have no idea how the existence of this will at all affect the awesomeness of the show. Although, I will be very sad if it ends up being inferior and thus more popular. But that will be a completely different rant, based on different issues.

Also! You disappeared again!


anarchicq May 28 2009, 00:17:43 UTC
Ok, I kind of feel that I shouldn't be talking because I don't like the Buffy series and I barely remember the movie.

And I don't think Joss is that great, I love Dr. Horrible and Firefly but the rest is ...eh...

But I have thought about this ( ... )


prozacpark May 28 2009, 00:30:17 UTC
I generally tend to think Joss is a one-trick pony, but Buffy is that trick for me. I think everything he's done since then has either been full of Gender Fail, a repeat of Buffy themes, or just not that good, period ( ... )


st_aurafina May 28 2009, 00:50:20 UTC
I don't mind the idea of rebooting, or whether Joss is involved or not - I think the concept is strong enough that it can stand alone. And I agree - mythologies have to evolve, so we can compare and contrast and squee over analyse the differences.

I've only seen snippets of the original movie, but I got the impression it was a pretty shallow, cliched piece of work, it worries me that's what they want to encompass in a new movie.

It could be good, it could be dire. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the Star Trek movie, though, so I'm prepared to give this one a chance.


prozacpark May 28 2009, 00:56:14 UTC
I think the concept is strong enough that it can stand alone.

Exactly. And I'm sort of excited at the thought of seeing someone else's take on it.

I watched the movie after having seen the show, so I viewed it as a version of Buffy and found it amusing. But yes, it was shallow. I could probably read deeper themes into it? But they would be coming from the series and not the movie itself.

I did read a new snippet that gave me hope? They're aiming for a darker take on the concept, which probably rules out the shallowness of the first movie. If done right, it could be really good and really different.

So I'm excited for now. If it sucks, at the very least, we'll be able to analyze why this is the version that's more viable for this generation and what it says about the evolving trends.


silly_cleo May 28 2009, 01:19:25 UTC
May be back for a more Proper Response later but I kinda love what you're saying even if I'm not sure I can agree with Buffy cuz I do love the TV show so much. But then so do you so I don't know. You've definitely given me a lot to think about though. <3!


prozacpark May 28 2009, 02:32:45 UTC
<3. I think I love Buffy the way I love mythology and fairy tales, etc, so my love for it expresses itself differently than my usual fandom love does. But Buffy has great cultural value as part of our modern mythology.

And for all that I hated "Troy," I did love the "Helen of Troy" miniseries despite its many inaccuracies because it captured the mythic feel of Helen.


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