Title: The Five Stages of Grief or: How Batman Got Her Groove Back (1/5)
Fandom: JL/JLU/General DC
Pairing: Wonder Woman/genderswapped!Batman
Rating: Teen
Warnings (this chapter): language, perfunctorily beta'd
Prompt: Stated pairing. Bruce becomes a woman, Diana helps him out.
Disclaimer: I don't own Wonder Woman, Batman, or any of the other DC characters, settings, or histories that appear in this work. I also do not own the quotes that inspire the titles of the chapters.
Author's Notes: This is the first fiction I've posted in a year or so, and the first on this LJ. I'd love some constructive feedback. That being said, I know this is not very racy and whatnot, but the prompt sort of ran away with me. I did, in fact, enjoy writing this. Thanks to my special unintentional beta/BFF, who gave me the confidence to post this. Considering this was originally supposed to be a comment fic, chapters do get longer as I moved away from that.
Later Chapters:
2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance - - - -
1. Self-mastery comes. . . .
It happened with no fanfare, no warning, just-
One day, Batman blinked and was no longer Batman.
But of course even something as relatively harmless as suddenly growing a vagina couldn't take place in the privacy of Wayne Manor, but in the middle of a goddamn Justice League briefing.
Batman liked to think of himself as a master of control: unflappable when faced with even the weirdest of situations, quite an accomplishment considering some of his enemies ̶ and allies. To be perfectly honest, this didn't even rank in the top ten of the most unusual scenarios the Caped Crusader had been in. There was. . . . no reason to panic.
None at all.