I mentioned before that that sax-playing Jazz pic had a bigger, evil-er sibbling in the cooking. It's still very much a WIP but it's slooowly getting there. A little explanation of this pic which might end up becoming a crappy fic if I can be bothered to write it:
So we know Jazz likes to immerse himself in the human culture, and I thought celebrating their birthdate was something Jazz would find just as the perfect excuse to do something for Prowl (If he does it for Valentine's he can do it for birthdays!). And with the help of Blaster, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, Jazz cooked up a party for Prowl, including a musical! -not that kind!-
Ignore the lyrics of the song, I just picked it because I the sax part has always made me think of Jazz playing it.
Blaster: Synthetizers, Vocals, pretty much all the 'music going' but the sax.
Sideswipe: Back Up Dancer #1 - of fancy distraction #1
Sunstreaker: Back Up monkey #2!
Jazz: Sax and hip swayer extraordinaire.
Prowl: on the bar, watching the show.
Prime: needed someone to fill that blank corner!
Song in Question:
To be found here.Actual sketch:
To be found here.