Title: Silver Tongue Universe: Bayverse Rating: G Content Advisory: none Characters: Prowl, Jazz Prompt: Under Cover Notes: written for the 2014 anniversary challenge at prowlxjazz.
So funny! I love how much you've left to the imagination here. The tension of the opening scene contrasts wonderfully with the way you leave Smokey (and us!) hanging at the end.
The way the Decepticon described Prowl as 'smooth' I'm even finding myself wondering if *he* was under cover too. I wouldn't put it past the mech.
Smokescreen has a lot of trouble believing a lot of Jazz's stories, and he finds it equally unbelievable that Prowl was dragged into this one. He's dead sure they're setting him up for some kind of prank or something.
Prowl can be smooth when he wants to be, but Jazz will never believe it. (not even after he's seen it in action.)
Comments 10
That's what Smokey gets for trying to call shenanigans. ;)
The way the Decepticon described Prowl as 'smooth' I'm even finding myself wondering if *he* was under cover too. I wouldn't put it past the mech.
Thanks for sharing.
you're welcome!
Smokescreen has a lot of trouble believing a lot of Jazz's stories, and he finds it equally unbelievable that Prowl was dragged into this one. He's dead sure they're setting him up for some kind of prank or something.
Prowl can be smooth when he wants to be, but Jazz will never believe it. (not even after he's seen it in action.)
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