Official December Challenge!

Oct 31, 2011 17:32

The theme of this challenge is collaboration/inspiration!

Here's how it will work. This comm, in conjunction with redxinferno and houndxmirage, are posting a list of winter-themed prompts. The prompts are common to all three communities. Community collaboration FTW!

The idea is that writers will work with artists and other writers to create a story with a picture, or a picture with a story, or writers will work together on a collaborative fic. We want you to reach out to fellow fans with this challenge and work with each other. We encourage cross-comm stories that include any or all of the three pairings; please cross-post if you do have more than one pairing.

This is being posted EARLY so you have the entire month of November to be creative - artists have the time to work on sketches and writers can use NaNo time to get words out and everyone has time to work with their collaborator(s). Posting will begin December 1st. There will be no set posting schedule - when the collaborators are ready, you post any time after December 1st until January 1st.

You may use whichever prompts strike you and as many as you'd like. Please leave a comment with which prompts you might use, but there will be no formal claiming. You're on your honour with this challenge! You may write a long chaptered story with pictures for each chapter, you may write a series of drabbles as captions for a series of pictures where each is inspired by a different prompt…the possibilities are limited by your imagination and that of your collaborator. Minimum word count for a story is 500 words. For reference, if you do post drabbles as captions, a drabble is 100 words. Please make it a minimum of 100 words.

I will post an exchange thread immediately after this where you can find someone to work with; I hope you'll all help each other find at least one other person to be creative with. However, if you have a picture/story in mind that inspires you, you may use it as long as you (1) get permission and (2) link to it in your caption/notes. For this challenge, if you do have a collaborator, we would like new works, please. Commissioned art will not be accepted, for example, since that is not collaboration.

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful…"
a silent night
a thousand snowflakes
a thousand words for snow
Acid snow
Afraid of the egg nog
Auld Lang Syne
Baby, it's cold outside
Bethlehem Star
black ice/driving on ice
building a snowman
candy canes
Catastrophic holiday lights
chains or four-wheel-drive required
Christmas cake
Christmas in Florida
Christmas Palm Tree
Christmas trees
Cold and wet
cold winter nights
creative ways to get warm
Cybertronian holiday cultural exchange gone wrong
Deadliest Catch (since the fishing of king crab takes place during winter)
Dreaming of a White Christmas from Cybertron
eskimo kisses (rubbing noses)
evergreen wreath
family traditions
fireside/in front of a roaring fire
For our first Christmas with our new extended family, we can have nothing less than the perfect tree. Nothing. And we have a space bridge...
freezing rain
frozen water
getting winterized (snow tires, antifreeze, etc)
good things to drink
homeknit sweaters
Hot and wet
hot chocolate
How tall is that tree?
I hate the song 'White Christmas'
Ice hockey by way of Cybertron
ice skating
ice storm
invented holidays
Krampus - or other cultures' winterthing traditions
like kids around the tree
lost in a blizzard
Megatron (or someone else) as Scrooge
Merry Beachy Christmas
midnight with snow
Most embarrasing gift evar
multi-colored Christmas lights
mussed up, smelling of pine, and utterly triumphant
New Year's
No two snowflakes alike
North Pole
Novel uses for snow tires
Novel wreath-hanging options
Plowing out the neighbors
Rubber booties will keep your feet dry.
salt, sand, mag and snow plows
Santa Claus
Scary ghost stories and tales of the glories
shortest day/longest night/solstice/the longest night of the year
shoveling snow
silent snow
silver bells
sitting by the fireplace
slippery streets
snowball fight/fort
Snowed on
snuggled up warm together
South of the equator it's summer
Space is not cold, per se, SNOW IS FRAGGING COLD
Star (?????) on the tree
stolen moments in the snow
Stranded because of the weather
Stuck on the Thruway because of an accident…for three days
sugarplum fairies
The groundhog said WHAT!!
The Perfect Storm
The stars are extra bright on a crisp winter night
The wind howling through the naked tree branches
This winter won't last forever
Toasting marshmallows in the fireplace
Under the mistletoe.
White Christmas
Winter in the tropics
winter storm watch/winter storm warning
winter wonderland

mod post, challenge: december 11, poster: mmouse15

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