Apr 22, 2020 13:11
Greetings everyone. I've recently come to notice a couple of issues with our tags, as it seems after three (almost four!) prosper years of Prowlin' n Jazzin' we've gone way over the permitted limits for some of our tags. Likewise at some point I'm not entirely sure of when a 'fanfiction' tag was created additional to our 'fan fiction' tag and a few users have been using this tag along with the fan fiction tag, others are using the tag inconsistently and this begs to be addressed.
For those that aren't aware, every tag has a limit of 1000 entries associated with it that will be displayed as part of a list when you click on that tag. Unfortunately because of this limit, once we get to 1000 entries, the oldest are pushed out of the displayed list to give room to the new ones. Our fan fiction tag is already over 1000 entries and has pushed about 50 or so entries off the list. Likewise our prowlxjazz tag is way over 1400 entries so we have over 400 older entries that are no longer shown in the list.
After discussing this with the other mods we've come to the decision that fan fiction and prowlxjazz tags will be re-arranged by year, and should the eventual need arise, we'll do the same with tags that begin to reach the usage limit. This is why it is very important for us that you do not use the prowl and jazz individual tags indiscriminately for works that do not focus on them individually.
The staff will be taking action and will re-tag the entries to fit into the appropriate year tags, however with more than 1000 entries, this effort is going to be very time consuming and will not see completion until after summer, as the staff also have other responsibilities to tend to. For this reason we're reaching out to you dear members to help us out: Please add to your entries the new 'fan fiction: 2011'. Likewise if anyone else would like to help us out by re-tagging their own entries at their own time with appropriate year tags we'd appreciate it enormously.
This change is effective immediately, the new tags created to solve this problem are: fan fiction: 2007, fan fiction: 2008, fan fiction: 2009, fan fiction: 2010, fan fiction: 2011, prowlxjazz: 07, prowlxjazz: 08, prowlxjazz: 09, prowlxjazz: 10, prowlxjazz: 11.
We appreciate your continued support and apologize for the inconvenience these measures might bring to you. Here's to the continued growth of our black and white-bot love.
mod post: tagging,
poster: vejiraziel '11