May Challenge

Apr 30, 2010 11:39

Ha! I made it in time for this month’s challenge this time! But enough of me, here’s this month’s challenge:


We’ve focused a lot on the ProwlxJazz relationship from the views of (obviously) Prowl and/or Jazz. So this month, let’s see what the others think.

Show us Prowl and Jazz’s relationship from another character’s point of view. Tell us what they think and feel about it. Do they approve? Hate it? Think it’s a Very Bad Idea?

What about ex-lovers? How do they feel about their former partner now with someone else? How about friends? What about leaders? How does Prime handle having a dating 2nd and 3rd? How does he explain it to their various allies? Is it against the rules for two officers to ‘date’?

What about humans? Do they find it strange at all that two robots can love? Are they accepting? Not pleased? What do the enemy think? I mean surely the Cons have noticed or must suspect something.

Now, to make it challenging, I’m not allowing 1st Person POV journal-type entries - that’s too easy. You can use 1st person narrative, but it has to tell a story. We would of course prefer a 3rd person POV with some kind of plot in there. And remember we must see at least one character's views on their relationship/friendship.

Be creative! Perhaps a bunch of mechs band together to try and hook them up, or split them up! Maybe one is incapacitated and the other is missing… what happens if the only one who can help is, say… Jazz’s ex? And would he/she want to? Or what would happen if someone walked in on the two in the middle of an intimate moment? The possibilities are endless, so give it your best shot! Fluff, comedy, drama, angst, various combinations of the genres, anything goes.

Your deadline is the 1st of June. See? I give you more than a month to work on stuff XD
Your minimum word limit is 500 words.

Please remember to tag your entries with: "challenge: may 10"

Also... deadline for the April challenge is 5th May, so you still have slightly less than a week to get those stories in.

Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

official challenge, challenge: may 10, poster: purajo

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