Title: Return to Innocence
Rating: PG-13
Universe: AU 2007 movieverse, set on Earth
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Barricade, Optimus Prime, Ironhide and mention of Megatron
Pairings: JazzxProwlxBarricade kinda
Warnings: Slash,loads of angst, some fluff
Disclaimer: No ownage = No sueage
This is the final part of this trilogy. I can't say I'm overly happy with
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Comments 16
Darling, darling this was wonderful. It hit all the right buttons for me. The pain, gods, the sheer anguish that Jazz is feeling, I felt it, too. I really like how Jazz didn't immediately forgive Prowl--that always bugs me in fics.
This part had tears in my eyes:
“Prime!” he uttered the word like a curse, “Prime did this.” He bellowed out the words, pulling away from the mech.
“Jazz.” Barricade called to him.
“No,” Jazz cried out, “No more. I gave everything, to you, to Prime. I was loyal; I did everything you all asked of me. This is how I’m rewarded.”
When he just walked away--ouch.
And then when Prime just said "I know," ugh, that had the tears out and going.
And that fight scene was kick ass, I don't know what you were talking about.
Then the end! Gah!
Sweetfeet, this is wonderful, and you are wonderful. Thanks for giving such a wonderful ending for our mechs. Love you. *hugs tight*
I'm glad that the emotion worked. I don't mind admitting that I really thought I'd stuffed up this last part.
Thank you for inspiring me to continue with this.
And yet that final scene is so beautiful, so hopefuly and tender despite the harshness of their treatment and Jazz's righteous anger. This is simply beautiful, and I blame you because now I wanna draw something for this. Thank you for giving it this ending, it's inspiring and wonderful.
Dammit, so much to draw and not enough hands!
I feel for them all as well. I was unsure how much of Prime to add to this one, maybe that can be left for a different one shot XDD
I'm glad the ending came out as it did. I just love the thought of them standing in a deluge of rain, holding each other. It seems so bitter-sweet in a way.
Oooh Artage, awesome. I can't wait, I'm bouncing with excitement here XDD
though I would lend you my hands, but that's only if you want very bad artage ;D
Glad you liked it though babe. Thanks for reading XDD
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